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A/N: Hey everyone!

I wanted to put a note on this chapter because there is a couple of things I want to address. I knew these comments will be coming up so I was prepared to see them, but I still want to put this out there.

Vanessa is not related to or by any means 'Zina'. Vanessa is my character and Zina is Samine's, and Nessa is not a Veela either. I am glad she reminds you of Zina, she was a fantastically evil character, but she is property of Samine.

I have posted on my Instagram a picture of how I see Vanessa, my Instagram is missisobelle so go check it out!

I want to thank you all for your love on the D R E A M chapter, people had reached out to say that they loved the George and Fred POV, I love doing them and I am so surprised at myself for being able to put myself in a mind of a man, I feel like I can write a mans POV better than a woman's haha.

Anyway thank you for 143k reads, each and every one of you is greatly appreciated! Don't forget to vote and leave your lovely comments <3

Oh and...

Stay Sexy <3


You could never give him what she does.

He's happier without you.

She fixed the heart you broke.


My whole body jerks awake, my eyes shooting wide open as I gasp out of my dream. Instantly sitting up and scanning my empty room, but the moment I moved, pain ricochets down my arm, mind-numbing agony explodes in the ball of my shoulder. I couldn't help but cry out a blood-curdling scream.

I didn't notice Gale had come into the room, but she was by my side in a second. Gale takes her hand and wraps is behind my head and instantly pours a form of liquid into my mouth. I quickly swallow it, coughing as it leaves a burning sensation as it falls down my throat. The pain instantly subsides, it doesn't go away completely, but it stops my screams and I relax against her hand.

My eyes were screwed shut and my chest heaves from my heavy breathing. Gale slowly lays me back down onto the pillow. My eyes flicker open for a moment, looking at the woman before me. Her worried eyes scan over my face while she ran her thumb her my knuckles.

I smack my lips together and attempt to speak, my lips dry and chapped, I attempt to give them some moisture by running my tongue along them.

"What the hell happened?" I was surprised by my voice and how hoarse it was, it was deep and croaky.

I don't remember much— only pain. Flailing my arms to stop myself from drowning, the water, I remember the water and the blood. But why was I in that situation? I have never splinched myself, I've always been pretty focused when I apparate— why was this time any different?

"You dislocated your shoulder and torn into the muscle. I healed you up, but you're still pretty injured." Gale says lowly, moving her hand from mine and brushes her thumb along my cheek.

I felt her worry— her anxiety. I felt a form of guilt, guilty that I put Gale through this, it was my mistake, I'm not her child to take care of, and I'm old enough now to know better.

"I-I'm sorry, Gale," I mutter, looking into her worried eyes.

"Don't be, it's my fault, I shouldn't have let you go to Diagon Alley—"

I let out a gasp as I feel the memories flood back into my mind as she reminds me of where I had been.

Diagon Alley.

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