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As I take a seat next to the curly haired girl, the whole group are smiling largely and congratulating me. "Hi, welcome! I'm Hermione, this is Ron and Harry..." The girl gestures to each person within the group while stating their names.

"Nice to meet you all, I'm Phoenix, Phoenix Grey." I smile warmly.

"Grey? But aren't you Snape's daughter?" Ron asks me with a mouth full of food. Hermione swats him on the arm over the table, shaking her head and rolling her eyes.

I let out a soft chuckle while looking down at my knotted hands, the nerves are still sitting deep in my stomach. "I'm adopted, Severus adopted me when I was five..." I look up to them glaring at me with inquisitive eyes.

Scanning the group, I lock eyes with one of the twins, who Hermione introduced to me as Fred, he's grinning widely at me, making my stomach flip, and I quickly turn my gaze away.

"I—uh—Severus, he wanted to keep the name that I was adopted with so I was protected. I disagree, I don't feel in danger, or that having the Snape name will bring me danger." I shrug. "Anyway, I'm just happy to be here." I beam, excitement taking over me again.

I get the flowing feeling of my eye colour transforming once more, the nerves finally settle and my excitement takes over, with the thoughts of what this new chapter of my life will bring to me.

I see my reflection in Fred's goblet as he brings it to his mouth, they are a bright yellow colour. I close my eyes slowly to hide their transformation.

"Wicked!" The twins say simultaneously, I bite my lip and blink my eyes open once more.

"Wow, your eyes are incredible! The sorting hat said you're a Metamorphmagus? I've read about these abilities; the colour of ones eyes, or hair is meaning of feeling." Hermione stares deeply, it is pleasing to hear that someone knows about my abilities, so I don't have to explain it myself.

I look at Hermione with an impressed expression, her knowledge on Morphmagus kind is surprising. "Yeah— that's right... although it's kind of  hard to keep my feelings to myself, sometimes I can suppress the change, but most of the time it's hard to hide."

Turning to look towards my father at the front of the hall, his looks could kill. My dad's cold eyes were staring into my soul. 'Eat!' He mouths through gritted teeth.

I roll my eyes and turn to grab a piece of toast. Looking back to him, I exaggerate eating the piece, holding up my thumb and rubbing my stomach in the process. The look of his disappointed face is a picture, the group notice and are snorting with laughter.

When breakfast is over and students are leaving the Great Hall, I walk out of the hall with the group I was sat with. As this is my first day, I don't have any classes, so I can get myself settled and get used to the castle, which I'm not sure will ever happen, this place is huge!

"Aren't you an interesting thing!" A smug voice calls out behind me. I turn towards the voice and it's the blonde boy I noticed from the hall. My brows knit together in confusion. "What's with the creepy eyes new girl?" He smirks, flicking his eyes over my figure.

He's tall, but not as tall as the twins, with platinum hair and crystal eyes, he wasn't bad looking, but he had a bad attitude. I narrow my eyes at the boy, biting my tongue to hold back from smacking him there and then. My eyes start to burn, anger isn't a difficult colour to understand. The blood red shade falls over my iris's.

"Damn, you are creepy. Better stay away from you, new girl." He scoffs, making his two bodyguard buddies behind him snort with laughter.

"Oi! Piss off Malfoy!" The voice behind me snaps me out of my rage. Fred stands behind me, towering over my small frame.

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