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A couple of weeks has gone by since the events in the courtyard between me and Pansy. Ever since then, people have been avoiding me in the halls, word had got around quickly about what I had done. Other students haven't been so kind, calling me an evil witch and other horrible names. It hurts me deep down but I do not allow them to see my pain. 

I had bumped into Pansy a couple of times, but this time around she doesn't say a word to me, she now keeps her head down and walks the opposite direction, her friends on the other hand send disgusting looks my way before following the Slytherin girl like dogs. Draco on the other hand— he still hasn't left me alone, sort of like the happenings in the courtyard made him all the more interested, always showing up in the library when I am there, sitting at another table while I study, catching him staring, it's rather infuriating.

Umbridge has gained more control over the school, pulling rules out of nowhere, not allowing us to use magic, to which a close eye has been kept on me, it's all causing Hogwarts to become more like Azkaban rather than a school for all things magical. I couldn't go near any of the boys in the hallways, I haven't even had a chance to be alone with Fred this whole time. 

I was starting to get frustrated. They say distance makes the heart grow fonder, but it's more like distance makes you ache for a person so desperately that you don't even care if they rip your clothes off in the middle of a busy hallway. 

I was hungry— no I was starving for Fred. I needed him so badly, it had gotten so bad that even when he would shoot a glance my way, I would be soaked between my legs. I needed him soon or I feel that I would go insane. 

I sit in the common room, reading a book, preparing myself for the O.W.L exams that Umbridge has put us all under so much pressure for. Low chatter pricks my ears from the entrance of the Gryffindor common room, their hushed conversation beginning to get louder as the come though the doorway. 

Hermione, Ron and Harry walk in one after the other, whispering and flicking their eyes towards me as they stagger towards the sofas where I am seated. I watch them over my book as I read Ron's lips. I could almost make out what he was saying as 'go on ask her', I blink at the red haired boy as he nudges Harry towards me. 

"Can I help you guys?" I laugh, watching their shifty behaviour as they all sit on the sofa in front of me. 

"We have been thinking, Phoenix." Hermione begins. "With You Know Who out there, we need to learn how to defend ourselves..." 

"And you came to me because?" I query the group. 

"Because we need you and Harry to teach us." Ron finally spits it out. I furrow my brow at the three, completely perplexed at the fact of them asking me to teach actual students on how to use magic, its absurd. 

"Are you mental? " I laugh. "Why me? I'm sure Harry is more than capable of teaching on his own... I don't even know how to defend myself, for Merlin sake!" 

"I think you're the mental one, Phoenix." Ron scoffs. "We have all seen how strong you are, and—" 

"And you would be a great person to duel with." Hermione interjects. "You and Harry would be a fantastic pair to teach a class. With Harry's skill and your strength, we could actually get a chance at defeating— defeating him." She pleads with her eyes, making them large as she tries to win me over. 

Chewing on my lip as I mull over their idea, I turn my gaze away from the trio. I couldn't get myself into more shit, this is so unlike Hermione to be doing something like this because it was completely against the school rules. Dumbledore is losing more and more control over Hogwarts by the day, if I slip up again— I'm gone. 

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