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A/N: Hey everyone!

I'm struggling quite a bit with writing at the moment, I'm just really looking forward to creating the two endings for you all so I'm finding it so hard to write these parts of the story, but I hope you enjoy <3

I've been thinking about maybe going back and going almost a complete re-write for the beginning of the story, every time I think about what I've written I feel disappointed, so I might do that when I've possibly finished the book, but we have a while to go until the end because I've got so many ideas for the double ending that the story will continue on for a while... sorry <3

Love you all! AND of course... Stay sexy <3

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I look up at the woman before me, her radiance and beauty had me awestruck. She looked young and her skin was practically glowing. She wore a floaty, dark red dress that was decorated with small pink flowers, it flowed out in an A-line skirt and cut off just past the knee.

Her hair was as white as mine and fell in waves over her chest. Her eyes looked bright, pale blue or even almost white, but there was almost a quarter of her eye that was coloured with dark brown

She stood before a long mirror that was attached to a wardrobe, I turn to see her reflection and my reflection didn't show up, only hers.

She smoothed the floaty dress over her stomach, admiring the small baby bump that swelled from her lower abdomen. I swallow hard and look at the bump, my heartbeat spiking as I realised it was me in her stomach.

My mum suddenly flinches and sucks in a harsh breath, holding her stomach tightly. I jump and watch her with wide eyes, my heart rate spiking.

As she winces, the scene before me swirls, silver ink leaking away and reforming into a faint, movie-like playback, it flickers and morphs into what I could make out to be two people until the memory began to become more clear.

"You and I, Evelyn, we will create greatness."

I could see my mother and she was talking to a man who I didn't recognise, he was very tall and had jet black, curly hair with dark eyes.

"My lord, it would be an honour." She said while bowing her head.

It was Tom Riddle, he looked— human.

A dark smirk pulls his lips before he holds her chin between his finger and thumb, leans down and kisses her.

My face screws up and the scene quickly melts away, dropping me back to the bedroom where my mother stands in front of the mirror, holding her small bump tightly, but her face changes into a warm smile while she gently rubs on the swell of her abdomen.

I then see a pair of hands snake around her waist, gliding underneath her hands to hold her bump.

"She's active today." She giggled.

As the hands settle on her stomach, the man's face comes into view. My heart drops as the man nuzzles into her white hair, their white and black locks mixing like night and day.

"Dad?" I whisper, my voice a mere echo unable to be heard by the couple before me.

"How do you know it's a she?" He asked her while littering her cheek with kisses.

My brow furrows as my dad looks at her with only his eyes in the mirror, admiration and love oozing from his glare. She turns on her heel and wraps her arms around his neck, pecking him softly on the lips.

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