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A/N: Hey everyone and welcome to new readers! 

I want to thank you all for the support of my D R A C O chapter, I was shaking when I posted that but you all made me so happy with all of your wonderful comments, I'm so glad you all love my version of Draco <3 

I love you all so much, and as alwaysStay Sexy <3 


The sun flickers in my eyes as they were slowly opening. The sounds of the crashing waves and seagulls fill my ears as I soak in the morning sun rays that peek through my blinds. My body is entangled with the limbs of Draco Malfoy, his face is buried into the crook of my neck, the scent of his hair hits my nostrils smelling of mint and hair gel, his warm breath fanned along my collar bone as he continued to sleep soundly.

Slowly I turn him over to lie on his back, allowing me to be freed of his entangled limbs. I couldn't help but admire his face, sweeping the few strands of hair that had fallen over his forehead with my index finger. I caress his cheek and listen to his soft breathing, his chest faintly rising and falling with each breath. Focusing on his torso I gaze upon the silver scars that decorate his porcelain skin, some were long and clean, others were large and jagged. I feel a small stabbing pain in my heart as I trace along with one of the long scars that began from his top rib and sweeps down near his naval.

Draco wriggles and turns over so his back is facing me, smacking his lips then finally going back to his faint breathing. I smile at him before lifting myself off the bed, as I stand, my legs wobble beneath me causing me to cling onto my bookshelf until my legs stopped quivering.

The memories of last night come into my mind and I bite my lip, remembering everything— from his lips, to his hands... fucking me on the bed and against the wall, making me come undone four times until I was a weak mess in his arms.

My breath hitches and I stagger over to my dresser, ignoring the pulse growing between my legs. The room smelt of sex and Draco's heavenly cologne, fuck, I wish that I could have that scent of him embedded into my skin, it smelt expensive, a mix of citrus and bergamot, totally intoxicating.

I notice his jumper that was carelessly thrown onto the floor. Picking it up, I throw it over my head, the smell dancing around my nostrils as I pull my head through the turtle neck. It was big, hanging over my body like it was a dress, the arms falling way past my hands, but it was warm and soft. Rolling up the sleeves I walk out towards the open plan kitchen, flicking on the kettle while I bring out two mugs for myself and Draco.

I wasn't sure what he drinks, he looks like a black coffee kind of guy. I mulled over the thoughts of what I believed Draco would drink until a light knock on my front door pulls me away, watching it open for Gale to walk through with an open letter in her hands.

"Oh good, you're up!" She smiles at me while scurrying over to the bar. "A letter from your father had come through the post, he's informed me that someone is coming to check on you since your accident... now don't ask me how he knows because I never told him—"

My bedroom door creeks open slowly, silencing Gale. We both turn our heads towards the doorway to find Draco, wearing his black jeans... and my AC/DC top. It was cropped and tight on his torso, revealing his stomach and toned abs, I felt my mouth go dry as he leans his arms on the top of the door frame. His hair was messy and his eyes were crystal blue meeting them with Gale.

I turn to look at her with a blank stare but wide eyes, chewing on my lip nervously. Her face was a picture, her mouth quivered as she gazed upon the man walking out of my bedroom, wearing my shirt while I wore his, her eyes looked as if they were about to pop out of her skull.

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