13.9K 156 188

Sorry guys, another note from me!

Just wanted to let you guys know that Little Phoenix is safe! I can't tell you how bad I panicked when I heard some of the larger fics being deleted.
But... I have saved it all, ready if the day comes that I loose it on wattpad <3

I wanted to also do a little Q&A, you guys might not care about my life, but I enjoy interacting with you. So give me questions, your theories on Little Phoenix and what might happen, and ideas that you think would make it better.

———— QUESTIONS ————————>

———— THEORIES ————————->

———— IDEAS ———————————>

I am thinking of doing some hefty editing on my first few chapters, my writing has definitely developed since I started, and I want to make the book even better for new and current readers!

{ Thank you so much for making Little Phoenix hit 70k views! }

As always, stay sexy

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