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Warning- this chapter contains scenes of abuse, and gore.

I squirm in my bed. Fred and George once again piled onto me last night, so I'm squished by a pair of grown boys on my bed.

They both lay on their backs, taking up even more room. George's arms are spread out, with one elbow in my ribs, snoring loudly. Fred has his arms behind his head, but his legs are overlapping mine.

I love them both so much, but this is ridiculous. I let out a loud huff, trying to signal that I am crushed by them both, but it was no good.

"George..." I whisper, turning my head to look at the snoring red head.

"Hmm?" He groans, not moving or opening his eyes.

"Move! You're crushing me!"

George smacks his lips together and removes his limbs away from me, now lying on his side, facing me. I could actually breath for a moment, so I get myself more comfortable.

"Thank y-" I go to finish my sentence, until he turns more, now lying partially on top of me, wrapping his arm over my chest. His face was on my head, with his mouth wide open, and almost instantly starts snoring again. I roll my eyes, but as George snuggles into me, I feel myself start to drift once more.
I am stood inside a room, by the looks of it, it was a greenhouse. It was dark, I couldn't see anything ahead of me. Flicking my wrist, I throw a blue ball of light up into the air, lighting up the room.

Looking ahead, there's a tall mirror in front of me, but I couldn't see myself, just a tall figure... it was my dad. I rush towards him, trying to call out, but no words come out, he just stands and stares blankly.

His skin suddenly goes pale and his eyes glaze over, then blood suddenly pours out of his mouth. I try to scream, but there is no sound. Slamming my hands onto the mirror, desperately trying to get to him, trying to save him. My dad coughs, spluttering blood down himself. I cry out, screaming silently.

Stumbling backwards, away from my dads reflection, two more either side appear. Fred and George's figures come into view.

"No... NO!" The words finally come out, but the worst is played out in front of me.

They both start to choke, the blood pouring out of their eyes, as they grip onto their throats, spluttering over the mirror as they coughed, falling onto the floor.

I turn my back, hiding away from the scenes, but there was more... more mirrors, enclosing me in a small circle. This time it was Ron, Harry and Hermione. They all do the same, choking and pouring with blood from their mouths, eyes and ears. I shake my head, feeling the tears prick my eyes.

I hear a dark chuckle echo from behind me, making my blood run cold, feeling the presence of someone, someone evil.

"You failed them..." I recognised this voice... but where from?

Staying in place, I did not turn to see the person who stood behind me. I just feel defeated.

"Little Phoenix..." The voice whispers. That's when I knew- it was her, the head of my orphanage.

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