W A R {PART 2}

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A/N: Hey you sexy lot!

I can't believe I am nearing 500k! That's half a million what the fawk! 

I want to thank you all so so much, this has been such an amazing experience and even though I have got a a few chapters to go and and alternate ending, I feel like this is the end of the story line that I created almost a year ago! I feel a little emotional <3

The book is not finish yet so do not panic, and now we can get back to Phoenix's love life after this chapter so be excited because I am!

I love you all! 


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The air was thick and heavy.

I couldn't describe Harry's face as he comes to realise his fate. He grew pale and his jaw fell slack, unable to find words to say.

"'Neither can live while the other survives.'" Hermione said with a low tone, breaking the silence. Her deep chocolate eyes brim with tears as she glances at Harry. "This is—"

"This is how it was meant to be," Harry whispered, finishing Hermione's sentence.

Hermione broke out into a sob as she turned to wrap her arms around Harry, crashing into him as she cried. Harry fluttered his eyes shut and nuzzled into Hermione's bushy hair, a single tear glistening down his cheek as he hugs his friend.

"I'm sorry, Harry— I'm so sorry." I breathe, almost choking as my chest began to tighten.

Harry shook his head. "It's my fate, Phoenix, he needs to be destroyed, you are probably the only one who can do that after I'm gone."

"Harry, wait— we can figure this out—" My anxiety spikes.

"This is something we can't fix with magic, Phee." Harry sniffs while Hermione pulls away. "Kill the snake, then it's just him."

"I'll go with you,"

Draco's fingers tighten around my hand. "No, Phoenix, we can't risk him getting inside your head again, I won't do that again." His voice was cold and hard.

"Malfoy is right, Phee, we need you here," George said.

My frustration built up and clamped around my throat, tightening up with each breath. The noise was beginning to get louder accompanied by agonising screams, it told us that we needed to move, to help— we were running out of time.

I go to reach out to Harry, but as my hand leaves my side, something skims along the floor and lands in the centre of the circle. We all glance down at it and realise it to be a small magical bomb almost ready to explode.

"Shit! GO!" Fred shouts before him and George apparate and in a split second I was grabbed by Draco and we disappear.

As we reappear a second later and far away from the bomb, it goes off and crumbles the walls around where we once were, shaking the ground and igniting in a ball of flames.

The group was split up, the air was filled with dust and smoke while spells continued to fly in every direction.

"You stay by me, Phoenix! I am not losing you again!" Draco snarls while sending hex towards a Death Eater.

There were too many Death Eaters to handle, I see Remus pushing one away from him with his foot and sending a hex toward another while Sirius fights off three at once. I could see McGonagall battling a giant as it swung its large club toward her, only missing her by an inch.

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