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A/N: Hey you sexy lot!

I just wanted to apologise for how short this chapter is, but I promise the next one will be longer <3 ily

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Fred Weasley POV

I thought I was hallucinating at first.

I had to blink a few times to believe it to be true— Phoenix and Malfoy are together.

His mouth was on her neck when I opened the door to the bathroom, he stood between her legs while she had her hand in his hair, her neck tilted to the side allowing him more access. Her beautiful smile tugged on her lips while he touched her partially nude body, wearing the amazing red bikini that hugged her body perfectly.

She looked at me with her now transforming eyes— the deep purple being leaked over by a cold lilac while Malfoy retracted from her neck and glares at me with his shockingly cold eyes.

I gripped the handle— so hard I thought I would tear it off the door. I was angry, angry that she had to pick him, she could have gone for anyone else, but she picked him. The one person she knew I hated seeing her with, and now his mouth in on her neck.

"I knew it— I knew something was going on between you two," I uttered the words, my jaw tight.

"Learn how to knock, Weasley." Malfoy spits, his eyes narrowing slightly as he stood tall.

"There's a lock for a reason, Malfoy." I spit back. It was almost as if the room could set on fire from the burning stares between me and Malfoy.

"Fred— I'm sorry, I didn't mean for you— " Phoenix finally speaks up while sliding herself off the counter.

"I don't want to hear it, Phoenix." I turn on my heel and storm towards my bedroom. My blood was boiling, the picture of him and her together— it was like a nightmare.

I could hear her following me out of the bathroom. "No, Fred. We need to talk."

I attempt to close my door behind me but she shoved her way through it and walks into my room.

"Fred, please—"

"How fucking could you, Phoenix! Him? Malfoy? Why— out of all the people in the world did it have to be Malfoy?" I exploded, the anger in my pouring out and I was aiming it all towards her.

"Things just happen, Fred. I didn't realise I had to have your opinion on the people I'm with." She said. Her words made me boil even more.

"Don't get all fucking smart with me, Phoenix!" I spit. "Did you do this on purpose?"

She scoffed. "Draco was there for me when no one else was— I was alone for almost two years, I didn't choose him to come to protect me!" I could see her eyes changing again, she glared at me while her eyes bled over with a deep red shade.

"You didn't have to fuck him though!"

"I was hurt, Fred! I was hurt and alone! I saw you and Vanessa together— that fucking hurt!" Phoenix's tone began to raise, her hands balling into fists. The lights begin to flicker as her rage takes over.

"You left me, Phoenix!"


Phoenix snapped, her loud bellowing voice ripped through me. All of the bulbs in the room shatter causing me to jolt. The darkness took over the whole room, only the warm orange sunset was keeping it dimly lit, glowing off of her enraged expression.

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