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I slowly wake, overly warm and overly squished. I turn my head to see George, with his arm covering his eyes, showing only his parted lips, he snores softly while his chest heaves with every breath.

Blinking my eyes to focus them a bit better, I turn towards Fred. He lies on his side, one arm tucked underneath his head, the other arm placed around my waist. I smile at his peaceful face.

As I turn my body to face George to get more comfortable, he squirms as I move, facing away from me. As I start to hear George's light snoring once again, Fred's hand begins to move.

Fred lets out a low hum, while moving his hand to wrap further around my waist, pulling me in closer to his body. I shuffle to snuggle into him, allowing his other arm to tuck under my head. Fred buries his face into the crook of my neck, taking a deep inhale of my hair.

"Hi." I whisper, trying not to wake George.

"Hmm- Hi." He mumbles into my neck.

"Sleep well?" I move my head to allow him more access to my neck as he begins smoothing my hair out of the way.

He starts to plant light, silent kisses on my neck, making a low 'Mm-Hmm' sound in his throat. His tone is deep from just waking up, I feel the vibrations of his voice against my skin, as he continues to kiss my neck.

Pulling my waist closer to his crotch, I feel his morning wood pressing against my backside, making my eyes grow wide.

"Fred- what are you doing?" I whisper, growing hot between my legs.

"Seek this as pay back lovely. You wanted to tease me..." He drags his fingers upwards, pulling my shirt up with ease. "Wearing that pretty little dress..." He groans in my ear, only for me to hear. "Making me ache for you..." His hand slides down and over the front of my underwear. "Let's see how quiet you can really be, darling."

I suck in my breath, as he tucks his hand underneath the lace, making me tilt my head back onto his shoulder. "F-Fred... your brother is right there." I say shakily.

"Shh... Be a good girl, and stay quiet." He begins moving his fingers down my already soaked slit. I grab ahold of his wrist, but he wouldn't ease his sweet torture.

My breathing is staggered, the fear of waking George mixing with arousal, it ignites a fire deep in my stomach. Fred lightly moves his middle finger around my sensitive bud. The pleasure flows through my body, like electricity. I bite my bottom lip, hard, in attempt not to make a sound.

Sliding his hand down further, he inserts a finger into my wetness, making my mouth gape open. I let my eyes flutter shut, as Fred slowly moves his fingers inside of me, while his thumb continues to stroke my sweet spot.

Fred nips at my ear, sending goosebumps down my neck. "You're doing so good, lovely, and you're so wet for me." He says in a husky tone, his voice alone makes me want to explode.

Fred inserts another finger inside of me, which makes me accidentally let out a small moan. My eyes instantly grow wide as George squirms in the bed. I hear Fred chuckle in my ear.

Once again he moves his fingers inside me, swirling his thumb on my clit, building my pleasure. Having to stay quiet was torturous, with Fred being so skilled with his hands, he knew where to find all the right buttons.

My pleasure is climbing higher, my legs begin to tremble, my chest heaves from my heavy breathing.

Without warning, Fred sinks his teeth into my neck, biting down hard. The pain and pleasure mingles together, sending a shockwave towards my wanting heat. It pushes me too far, making me let out a moan, but this time it was louder than before. Fuck.

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