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I step out of Grimmauld Place with my dad behind me, the cold air hitting my cheeks along with the drizzling rain that began to fall from the dark sky.

My whole body burned, from my eyes to my scalding mark that curses my forearm. I stretch my neck out, preparing myself as I soon face Tom Riddle once more.

I allow the rain to drench over me, causing my hair to become damp and stick to my forehead. I turn to my father and lean my head back so I could meet his cold, black eyes.

"Why didn't you tell me about Voldemort being my biological father?" I ask with a sharp tone. I see his eye twitch as my sudden anger towards him but he kept calm.

"I promised your mother, she had concerns with what Dumbledore said about darkness being within you, so she wanted it to be a secret."

I kept a distance from him as my magic threatened to breach my palms, clenching my fists tightly to prevent the power from seeping through.

I feel like my whole life has been filled with darkness and death. My mother dying because she wanted to keep me safe, my father and grandfather being two of the darkest wizards in history, I was made for destruction.

This all needed to end— Harry needed to know about his fate, for all of this to be done for good.

"Harry needs to know," I tell my dad. He quirks a brow at me and before he could speak I continue. "I know about him being one of those— things."

"Dumbledore told me everything," Dad said. "The boy must die at the right time, and only killed by the dark lord himself."

A chill crept up my spine and I swallowed back the ache in my chest. "It's sick what he's done— Dumbledore, I mean."

My dad nods before pulling me in by the shoulders. I am engulfed by his long arms, his cloak forming a guard around me, stopping the rain from soaking me. I rest my head on his chest and listen to the sound of his heart, it's always soothed me, no matter the situation.

After not seeing my father for so long, I finally felt whole again after his embrace. It has been quick visits and updates, meetings with Draco— I missed him.

Suddenly the mark burned once more and I quickly hissed at the pain, jolting slightly within my fathers' arms. I pull back and look up at him, meeting his sad yet cold eyes.

"I need to go— I need to finish this," I say while shifting out of my fathers' arms.

"Phoenix, you can't destroy him, he's immortal."

"He's been taken down once before, I-I must be able to kill him," I say while running my hands through my damp hair. "If I kill him, we can then destroy his soul within the Horcruxes."

His eyes flicked away from mine for a moment, his mind working.

"He won't be able to come back." I continue.

My dad let out a sigh while rubbing the bridge of his nose with his index finger and thumb, his eyes slowly closed shut.

"I can't believe I am having this conversation with my daughter," He said lowly, letting his hand fall while he meets my eyes. "I trust your strength, Phoenix, but this is dangerous, I don't want to bury my daughter in the ground."

His words stung my chest causing me to flinch. "Dad— if I don't do this, all of us could die," I plead. "This Order was made for me, to fight with me or against me, I need to fight with them or all of this was made for nothing."

My dad set his jaw and straightened up. He opened his mouth to speak but not a single word came to the surface, his hard face breaking into sadness. He pulled me in by my shoulders once again, this time holding me closer and tighter while his head rested on mine.

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