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It's hard to get up and return to the normal school routine after the Slytherin party, but it's nice to see my friends and classmates again after the summer. The first lesson on my timetable is Devination with Professor Trelawney.

I liked her classes a lot and I always got good marks, and she seemed to have taken a liking to me when I started last year.

Walking into the class with Ron and Harry, I see Trelawney pacing the floor and fiddling with her fingers. She looks up as we walk in, her eyes looking large behind her thick glasses.

"Good morning— yes, welcome back!" She greets us, then goes back to her fiddling and pacing.

Sitting down and placing my book on the cloth covered table, I get a bad feeling about her unusual behaviour. Trelawney normally behaves unusually, but this time I felt bothered about it.

"Professor— are you alright?" I say. She stops and meets her eyes with mine once more, her mouth quivers as if going to say something, but no words come out.

"Think she's actually lost the plot this time." Ron whispers into my ear. I scold him, while swatting him lightly on the arm. Harry and Ron start snorting and giggling to themselves but I can't push away my bad gut feeling.

Throughout the whole lesson, Trelawney did not meet eyes with me, even when I put my hand up to answer, she wouldn't look at me. Harry and Ron noticed this too, they watched with furrowed brows and confused looks every time I would be ignored. As the class came to an end, I felt frustrated.

Being one of the last to leave the class, I pick up my book and parchment, and go to walk out of the door.

"My dear!" Trelawney says while grabbing onto my arm. "I need to speak with you— do you mind?" Her voice sounded worried. I bite my lip, knowing I have another class and I would be late, but she seemed serious.

Sitting with her at one of the tables, Trelawney takes my hand, turning it palm upwards and runs her fingers along the fine lines, scanning every part of my palm, she starts to mutter to herself. I could hear her staying 'this cannot be' and 'it can't be true'.

"Is something wrong?" I say to her. My stomach starts to tighten from the anxiety in her words.

"Your father, do you know who he is?" Trelawney questions, making my brows furrow.

"Y-yes-- Severus Snape, you work with him." I chuckle awkwardly, flicking my eyes back and forth between my palm and Trelawney, desperate to see what she sees.

"No— no, your biological father?"

Her words take me aback slightly, I open my mouth to speak, but I am tongue tied. I only manage to shake my head.

"Good, that is good..." She pats my palm and closes my fingers around it, holding onto my fist tightly. "My dear, you have a gift— and it will bring danger in your life and even death— but when you are hidden learn your gift, and you will come back stronger."

I blink at Trelawney, while she lifts up off her seat and trails towards her desk. I am unsure of what to say, her words don't make sense. I fill my mind with a thousand questions, but I am already late for my next class.

"Th-thank you, Professor. I need to get to my next class, I will see you next week." I stutter, sliding out of my seat and making my way towards the door.

"You are not safe, my dear. Be careful." She says as I through the doorway, I turn back and give her a nod, then rush down the stairs to my Defence Against the Dark Arts class.

Quickly, I burst through the door of my Dark Arts class causing everyone to turn their attention to me, as well as the woman in pink. Dolores Umbridge.

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