W A R {PART 1}

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A/N: Hey you sexy lot!

Firstly, I want to say a huge thank you to all of you who wished me a happy birthday! I had a wonderful day at Harry Potter studios in London and I recommend it to anyone who wishes to go!

Secondly, you all are so awesome for being so patient with me, as always!

The beginning of this chapter is in a different perspective, sort of like the narrator perspective, so I hope you enjoy. I wanted to originally make this one chapter but it just kept getting long and longer so there will be a part two <3

I want to give a massive shout out to one of my good friends that I have met through my book, she has helped me so much with this story and I am so thankful I can always go to her when I am stuck, thank you so much DudaDrezxz <3

ILY sooo much and as fucking always...


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After the loud crack splits through the concrete beneath Phoenix's feet, she slowly rises to straighten herself up. She tightened her hands into fists at her sides while keeping her head hanging low, not peering up through the hood that covers her face.

Fred and George stared at her with knitted brows and wide eyes— they expected her to transform to her usual self, smiling, running to them and crashing into a bone-crushing hug— but no... she was silent and cold, not moving a muscle.

Everyone's hearts pounded against their chests, fearing what Phoenix would do next. She wasn't herself and they knew it. Standing there in silence with her hood up and over her face, the charm working its magic and concealing her identity, but Fred and George knew— they all knew.

Her bright white hair hangs out of the hood and cascades down her chest, making it easy for the people who know her best to guess that it was their beloved Phoenix standing before them.

"Is it her?" Ginny whispered to her brother, clutching his arm tightly.

George nods without removing his eyes off of Phoenix. No one moves, not knowing what to do. George flicks his eyes across the courtyard, connecting with Fred. They felt each others pain and panic as their best friend stood in the middle of Hogwarts. It was her... but at the same time— it wasn't.

"What's the matter with her?" Ginny whispers again.

"I don't know, Gin, but you need to find Malfoy," George replies.

Ginny slowly moves away from her brother, Fred tenses up and grips his wand a little tighter as he watches his younger sister move away from the protection of George.

Remus and Sirius ready themselves, with strong stances and their wands gripped tightly by their sides, their other hands interlocked with one another, holding as if they were never to let go. Molly looks on beside George, her breathing heavy as her daughter attempts to break away from the circle. Tonks stands next to Fred, her hair dulling as she watches her friend that doesn't look like her friend, so empty and nothing like her usual bubbly and excitable self, a tear breaks free from her eye, silently streaming down her cheek.

There was a circle formed around Phoenix, not a movement, nor a single sound, only the broken stares of her family and friends, all of the people who care about her.

As Ginny was about to reach the door, a stick snapped beneath her boot, breaking the deafening silence, suddenly alerting everyone near— including Phoenix. The white-haired girl shoots her glare up towards Ginny, finally allowing everyone to see her glowing eyes.

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