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A/N: Hey you sexy lot!

Thank you so much for 300k! I can't believe so many of you read and enjoy my story, it's so unreal to me every day I wake up to so many notifications! I can't tell you how appreciative I am of all of you!

Apologies about the wait on this chapter, as always I've been super busy, but I hope to make it up to you with this long ass chapter <3

I will be doing a look book on my instagram for this chapter, so follow me if you want to see! Also don't forget to leave your lovely comments and votes!

Stay sexy <3

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As the new week came around, so did the wedding.

It was an early morning rise for the special wedding day, Molly and Arthur popped into the living room after four days of being away helping her son Bill and his wife to be Fleur with their last-minute wedding preparations.

Molly's hair was more crazy than usual, her curls completely unruly and wild and her glasses all tangled within the nest of her hair. Arthur on the other hand looks calm and happy, as he always does, never loses his cheesy Weasley grin.

"Morning Weasley's!" Arthur calls out while we all sit around the dining table scoffing our breakfast.

"Morning dad!" The three red heads called back.

"And good morning to the rest of you!"

The rest of us replied with our morning greetings giving them wide smiles as Molly walked over to kiss us all on the cheek. I stand at the sink helping Hermione wash up the plates and clean the kitchen ready for the manic day ahead of us.

I turn my head and see Draco coming down the stairs, he is wearing a deep green flannel shirt, which he'd rolled up the sleeves to his elbows, revealing his toned forearms with veins decorating them down to his heavily ringed fingers. Draco's hair was damp and combed back with a couple of strands dangling down over his forehead. He wears simple black jeans where his wand sticks out of the back pocket.

My mouth dried at the sight of him, he looked amazing and he wasn't even wearing his wedding attire. He made anything look good.

"Good morning, Draco dear!" Molly says while walking over to him with open arms.

Draco leans down so Molly could plant a kiss on his cheek, he gives her a warm smile and says his good mornings back to her, nodding his head towards Arthur before joining the group at the table.

It felt like my heart were to burst out of my chest at the sight of him with Molly, I felt my eyes changing and I quickly blinked them away. I didn't want my feelings for him to get in the way of everything, I didn't know if he felt the same way or if he just wanted to keep our relationship purely sexual.

I feel Hermione whip me on the shoulder with her tea towel, pulling me out of my Draco daydream. I blink and shoot her a glance, meeting her arched brow and knowing expression.

"What's going on between you two? Are you like— a thing now?" She whispers, flicking her eyes between me and Draco.

"No— nothing is going on, we just sleep together now and again," I say lowly, turning back to the sink full of plates.

"Bugger off, Phoenix. There's obviously more going on there, you never leave his sight." Hermione laughs while moving closer so no one could hear our conversation.

I shrug. "I don't know Mione— I don't know what he wants, he's so hard to read. It's as if he's got his walls up constantly and I could never tell what he's feeling."

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