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{Warning: This chapter does contain sexual assault (groping without consent), if you are not comfortable reading these sort of things, do not read}

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We arrive on the soft grass outside of The Burrow. The warm air felt incredible as the sun beams down from the sky.

It was just George and myself as everyone had their things to do today before we all go out to that new club Vipera.

Suddenly, my body jolts as a loud yelling scream come from the house, but it wasn't out of fear or pain, it was pure happiness.

Molly comes running out of the house, her being the one who is screaming.

"MY BABIES ARE HOME!" She wails, throwing her dish towel in the air before crashing into us both.

Her arms wrap around both our necks, George having to kneel so she was able to do so. We both chuckle with laughter from her reaction to us arriving home, tears begin to brim my eyes as she began crying with joy.

Soon Arthur comes out of the front door, laughing while he claps his hands together from the realisation of his wife's screaming. Soon we were hugged by him after Molly finally let us go.

After they both settled down we move into the house, sitting in the cosy living room while Molly brewed some tea.

"Oh, Phoenix and I got you both something!" George says while digging into the back pocket of his jeans. "Mostly it's for you dad, I'm sure you will find it as fascinating as we did."

George hands a small paper bag to his dad who looks at us with a wide grin.

"Goodness, I don't know what to say," Arthur says.

"Just open it!" I giggle.

Arthur opens the bag and pulls out the small item. George and I found it in a small gift shop in the muggle streets and we were taken by the amazing items they would sell in their shops, so we decided to get Arthur one of these— what the muggles call— magnets.

Arthur let out a small gasp as he eyed up the small magnet that had a picture of Sydney on the front.

"Wow! I've read about these things," He began. "Fascinating! What are they called again? It's on the tip of my tongue,"

"Magnets, dad." George smiled.

"Yes!" Arthur clicked his fingers. "This is wonderful! Thank you!"

"It can stick to anything metal, without magic!" I add making Arthurs smile even wider.


After the tea was brewed, Molly brought it over on a tray, accompanied with a large tray of cookies and sandwiches while George had quickly headed upstairs to retrieve my trunk so I could bring it back to their flat.

"So, have you seen Draco yet, dear?" Molly asks me.

"Not yet, I will soon though, I wanted to see my family first."

Molly's lips pull into a small smile. "Of course, since you left he would come over every Sunday for lunch— he's a wonderful lad."

My heart feels like it does a full flip my inner self swooning at the thought of Draco coming to spend time at The Burrow— with the Weasley's I might add— I don't think he would have ever thought that day would ever come four years ago.

"That he is," I smile.

The Weasley home hasn't changed, everything was all in place, apart from a rather large pile of newspapers that seemed to have collected over the past six months. I squint my eyes and attempt to read the front page— that was until my heart stopped.

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