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A/N: Hey you sexy lot!

I know I say this a lot, but I really appreciate you all being so patient with me, it honestly means the world!

I keep adding chapters in the middle of plot ideas, which is making this story longer and longer (I'm sorry), I hope you all don't mind that this will be a long one and that you're happy with how it's going <3

ILY all so so much

stay sexy <3

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The uneasy feeling of being somewhere else spikes my anxiety. My eyes shoot open and I frantically felt the space next to me— empty. My pulse quickens and I instantly shoot myself up into a seated position.

"I'm here, darling." Draco's echoed voice instantly soothes my anxiety, but I was met with a sight that spiked my pulse once again.

The glorious sight of Draco— fully naked and completely wet from the shower water cascading down his toned body, the suds of shower gel and shampoo all flowing over his shoulders, stomach and down his legs.

The shower was a large waterfall, which had another one the same beside him. There was also a large footed bathtub that is placed at the edge of the windows, which allowed you to look amongst the breathtaking view while soaking in the deep egg-shaped bath.

The shower room was completely made out of glass, allowing me to see everything. Although the shower was also next to the windows, we were so high up that no one could see us.

The hotel room looked completely different in daylight, I didn't even realise that it was a whole suite. All of it was open plan and very minimal in decor, with oak wood flooring and off white walls.

To the right of the room was the large dining table, enough to fit eight people for dinner. The floor around it had the remains of broken plates and cutlery that were once set up nicely on top of the large table, along with my shredded dress that lay in a pile at the head of the table.

Memories of last night flit my mind, sparking the flame in the pit of my stomach. I nibble on my lip as I remember all that Draco had done to me, the knife he held to my throat, the ripping of my dress as he tore it away from my body, the way he fucked me so hard that the plates smashed on the ground, but also the three words he had said to me as we made love.

As Draco steps out of the shower, he takes a white fluffy towel and wraps it around his waist. Taking another smaller towel he begins ruffling his hair in an attempt to remove most of the water.

He pads over to me, his hair all messy and tussled— looking rather adorable. I pull my lip between my teeth as he stalks over, not being able to remove my eyes off of his deep V line, the small amount of hair peeking out above his towel.

Draco leans down over the bed and kisses me, the smell of him dances around my nostrils, he smelt like mint and citrus which caused my mouth to salivate. His wet hair dripped water onto my cheeks and chest as his mouth moved, slightly tickling my lips with his tongue before pulling away.

Draco let out a small groan under his breath. "You're irresistible, Grey." He says lowly as his silver eyes flicked open to meet my changing purple ones.

"So are you," I murmur.

His eyes scanned my face while his lips tugged at the corners, pulling into a soft smile. I could see his thoughts, but I couldn't tell what about.

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