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My eyes flutter open to the sun leaking through my curtains. Frost is decorated over every building roof in my street, and the cold air bites at my cheeks as I open the window. A flow of excitement runs over me, because I have been waiting for today for a very long time.

Today is my first day at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry.

The only downside is that I am joining in the middle of the school year, it had to happen because I got expelled from my old school; Beauxbatons.

My dad wouldn't allow me to go to Hogwarts in the beginning, even though we live in the UK, and it being much easier for me to study there, but he sent me off to the witchcraft school in France, which was hell. His reasoning behind it was that he didn't want me to become a distraction for him while he is a professor at that school, which I think is rubbish.

I was there for four and a half years, up until recently. I set a few muggle firecrackers off in the headmistress' office, so I was expelled, and my dad was furious. I've been wanting to go to Hogwarts for years, so I made him have no choice to send me there, he couldn't get me in anywhere else.

As my father has already been there for the first half of the school term, I will be travelling by port key, which he will send me— I'm just waiting on our owl to arrive with the package. I'm not shy of using a port key as a form of travel; going across seas every school year had given me the confidence in travelling alone.

I pad over into my cold shower room, the cold tiles send chills up my legs. As I walk in, I glance at myself in the mirror, my white hair is tied up in a messy bun, which is slumped on my forehead from my nights sleep, with my curly baby hairs sticking out in all different directions.

My eyes are staring back at me with a strong yellow shade pigmenting my iris's, which is expected, my mood is one of true excitement; I've never been so happy to be going to a new school. I'm sure my eye colour will soon change when the nerves kick in.

After getting showered and warming myself up from the cold morning, I dress in my new uniform my dad sent me by owl a few weeks ago. Pulling on my skirt, I tuck in the shirt hem in the waistband, the over the top I pull on my vest and tie my tie, finishing off with knee high socks, which I tuck my wand into. My uniform is all neutral colours, as I haven't been placed in my house yet.

My dad is hoping for me to get into Slytherin so he can keep an eye on me, but the Sorting Hat will tell me which house is best suited for me.

I let my hair down and brush through it, it falls down over my chest in white waves, the morning sun bouncing off, making my hair look almost see-through.

Poking my head out of my window once again, I scan over the closely built houses to see if our owl in on her way, but I can't see her. Closing my eyes, I take a deep inhale of the cool crisp air, the feeling of happiness and harmony wraps over me.

I roll my eyes inwardly as I feel them changing colour once again, a turquoise colour melts over my iris's, changing the shade completely. Being a Metamorphmagus, it can be a blessing and a curse, in my case, it's very difficult to hide my feelings from people.

A soft hoot of an owl pulled me from my thoughts. I squint my eyes from the blinding sun, but there she was, our beautiful owl, carrying a package with her tiny beak. I grin widely as the creature soars closer, pulling my head from the window, I allow her to land on my windowsill. She perches herself on my window ledge, giving me a soft hoot while ruffling her feathers. I take the package and give her a gentle pet on the head. After she was satisfied, she leaps off my windowsill and takes off once more, back to Hogwarts.

The small packed was wrapped in brown paper, tied with string and a sealed with deep green wax, detailed with a snake. Unwrapping it, there was a note on top of the small box:

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