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I can't believe I'm on 855K this is insane! Thank you all so so much!

I've come to realise that Little Phoenix will be coming to an end soon but I will obviously be moving onto the alternate ending <3

I want to say thank you so much for making my story so popular and for giving me so much love! This was my first story and it for sure won't be my last! I have been thinking about giving it a good edit and making it even better! but I will for sure be keeping the old version so I may post that on AO3 or something, we will see :D

I also wanted to add... I have made these characters older, which will be known when I edit the story <3

Love you all and of course stay sexy <3

☾ ☾ ☾ ☾ ☾ ☾

I land on the soft grass out the front of The Burrow instantly storming towards the front door, the rage coursing through my whole body, my heart racing and skin burning.

Bursting through the front door, the whole living room falls in silence. I turn to meet eyes with the whole family, the twins and Ron sitting cross-legged on the floor around the coffee table, playing a game of cards while Ginny and Hermione sit on the sofa reading magazines, Harry peeks around the corner, his brows furrowed with confusion.

I slam the door with all of my strength, the loud slam satisfied my rage for a second but I still couldn't calm myself.

Astoria's words reels in my mind, her snarky comment and assumption on the relationship between Draco and me, her blue eyes looking at me up and down, judging me, the way she called me 'Phoenix Riddle'.

I let out a frustrated growl, throwing my dress at the wall furiously before enclosing my glowing palms as my magic began to lose control of my temper.

"Do you want to talk about it?" George says calmly, placing a card onto the pile in the middle of the table.

"Fucking bitch!" I seethe, pacing the floor and running my glowing fingers through my hair.

"Who?" Hermione questions, both she and Ginny closing their magazines and sitting upright.

"That fucking Astoria— she's such a— FUCK!" My frustration was bursting out of me, I couldn't contain it.

Ginny springs to her feet. "Oh, I knew I would be fighting this bitch!" She began to tie her hair up.

"What happened, Phee?" Harry asks, drying his hands with a dishtowel.

"She turned up at Draco's flat," I began, continuing to pace the floor.

"And that's not weird at all," George said sarcastically.

"She dared to speak about mine and Draco's relationship!"

"Let's kick her teeth in!" Ginny exclaims.

"Ginny!" Hermione scolds.

"She said Draco was using me and that I was just a shag to him!"

The whole room let out a gasp before falling silent.

"What a bitch," Hermione whispers, shaking her head.

Breaking the silence, the back door opens with Arthur walking through, along with Remus and Sirius walking closely behind.

Sirius raises a brow when he meets my eyes. "Oh darling, you need to get control of your eyes if you're going to be facing the Ministry today," His eyes move to my hands. "And by the looks of it, your magic too, they're not the most understanding of people— trust me, I know."

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