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"Hwaaaa! It looks so cooool!"

Hinata's eyes seemed like they were about to bulge out of his head as he gazed at the tattoo on Daichi's arm.

"Yeah, I got it done the other day. I think I took it pretty well."

"You were on the verge of crying when I picked you up." Suga deadpanned.

"Hahaha, you baby!" Tanaka joked, earning a slap around the head.

"I want one!"

"No way!" Suga protested. "You're too young. You can get one once you finish college."

"But that's ages away, and I don't even know if I will graduate. I'm failing already."

"Then study harder!"

"No, volleyball takes up all of my time!"

"It's just a club, the rest of us manage to do well, even Noya."

"Hey! I heard that. I thought you were the nice one Suga."

"I'm going to get one." Hinata whispered to Tanaka. "This weekend."

"Awesome little man! All the girls will be swooning then."

Hinata grinned at the idea of getting a tattoo, feeling how ultimately badass he will be after that. He will be intimidated no longer...


"Shit dude, what's you problem?!"

"I want a tattoo!"

"Yeah, no kidding. Sit down."

Hinata sat down in the seat by the reception desk, looking around at the tattoo parlour and jumping as the widely swinging door slammed shut. In the distance there was a loud 'ow' sound and he didn't want to think what had happened.

To his surprise the parlour was open and bright, with white walls covered in cool art pieces and graffiti and several stations which tattoo artists sat at diligently, focusing on their ink masterpieces. He could hear chill r&b music in the background and he immediately vibed with the place.

He waited for the glasses dude to reappear from the back of the shop before following him to a station near the back of the store. It was still as light and open as the front and there were windows allowing the natural light to flow in alongside the warm lightbulbs. He saw down at one of the chairs and looked at the person next to him.

He had jet black hair and blue eyes, but the rest of his face was hidden under a face mask. He was busy cleaning all of the ink bottles and getting out fresh needles to work with before turning at last to Hinata.

"I'm Hinata."

"So, what do you want?"

"Uh..." Hinata froze, now realising he had no plan on what tattoo to get, too preoccupied with the idea of simply getting one.

The male next to him sighed before leaning back in his chair and sizing the ginger up. His gaze was very intense before he turned around and began to look through a few sketchbooks. Hinata was about to ask what he was doing before an artist at another station called over to him.

"Give him a sec, he has a knack for this sorta thing. It's kinda annoying."

"Shut up Kuroo."

"I'm right though, right Kenma?"

Kuroo looked at the person he was tattooing, an intricate sleeve slowly coming to life on the pale skin.

"Yeah, I guess." Kenma replied, not removing his focus from his game.

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