Kags Harem - Hogwarts AU Pt.1

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At Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry there were four houses: Gryffindor for the brave, Slytherin for the ambitious, Ravenclaw for the wise, and Hufflepuff for the kind. Each house represented core human values, and every year the students were sorted according to which of these they displayed most prominently. But from time to time students could ask to be in certain houses if they so chose, they just had to be brave enough to ask.

For example, Hinata was originally going to be placed in Hufflepuff yet asked to be in Gryffindor, and so he and his best friend Yamaguchi became Gryffindors. On the other hand, Kageyama was going to be put in Gryffindor as well and yet he didn't want all of the attention or reputation that came with the house of lions, and instead asked to be put in Ravenclaw.

Sure, maybe academically he wasn't the best, but there is more than one way to be smart. Because Ravenclaw also represented a sharp mind, wit, ability, intelligence and accomplishment, all which Kageyama had in abundance.

These three first years soon became good friends with their seniors in the second and third years. Asahi and Kita were supportive and kind but knew when to stand up and take authority; they were in Hufflepuff. Yaku, Suga, Kenma and Akaashi were our resident Ravenclaws. Always quick thinking and motivated, they knew how to fix problems big and small, but they all had warm hearts too. They took Kageyama under their wings and gave him the family he didn't know he needed. Tendou, Oikawa, Iwaizumi and Suna were in Slytherin. Each ambitious and hardworking, they had clear goals and would achieve them not matter what. Some more laidback than others, they all made sure that nobody messed with their juniors.

Kageyama's first few years passed by relatively calmly...

Okay, that's a complete lie.

The first week he got detention for causing a full-on food fight in the Great Hall. In his last term of first year he got a week's worth of detention for getting into a fight with Kindaichi from Slytherin that resulted in the Onionhead going to St Mungo's, as well as receiving a harsh scolding from Iwaizumi.

In his second year he was almost expelled with Hinata, Tendou, Suna and Yaku for their ongoing game of truth or dare, where Tobio was dared to dye the flying coach's hair bright pink. It didn't come out for two weeks.

In his third year there was a huge fire in the Ravenclaw tower that resulted in them all sleeping in the Room of Requirement for a few days; Kageyama had helped several first years escape but also ended up in the hospital wing due to smoke inhalation.

And every year since he arrived at Hogwarts he participated in the Inter-House Quidditch Competition. In his first term he became the resident Ravenclaw seeker and played alongside Yaku- who was the keeper- and Suga and Akaashi who were chasers. They were an epic team and every year they won the Quidditch House Cup. This was definitely his proudest achievement.

And in his fourth year came the Triwizard Tournament.

Now he wasn't stupid enough to try and get past the age line that surrounded the trophy, yet someone else was. Hinata had taken a potion Oikawa had made in his potions lesson that would apparently make him older so he could enter. And Hinata being the Gryffindor he was, downed the potion and raced over the line, attempting to drop his name in the goblet at exactly midnight before he was thrown back and ended up with two beards. How it was possible nobody knew, but Hinata had to magic away his beards every day for a month until it went away. And Kageyama used it as blackmail every moment he could.

But anyways, the Triwizard Tournament was explained to them and soon everyone was getting excited for the other two participating schools to arrive: Beaubatons and Durmstrang. One was an all girls' school and the other an all boys'. As Kageyama was sitting near the fire with Suga and Akaashi as they worked on their homework together, the trio discussed the tournament.

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