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/Location: College gym/

"Hey, we're going out tonight. Everyone's gonna be there. You in?"

"No, I'm good. My evening is full."

"Come on Oikawa! You never come out with us. You're always busy or tired or not feeling well. What gives?"

"I'm serious, I'm busy."

"Fine. See you tomorrow."

"Yeah, see you."

The team watched as Oikawa packed up his things and waved before slipping out the doors. They'd lost count of how many times he'd declined coming out with them.

"He coming?" Iwa asked as he emerged from the showers.


"Hm. Shittykawa, always blowing us off. Must be important though."

"Huh?" Kindaichi asked, looking confused at the contradictory words.

"He loves going out he just rarely does."

"Oh, right!"

"Well, should we ask?" offered Kunimi.

Iwa just shrugged his shoulders before getting changed. Once they were all ready to leave, Iwa locked up the gym and they walked together to the gates. They finalised the meeting point and split ways to relax for the rest of the evening...

/Location: Nightclub/

"Hey hey hey!"

"Sup dudes!"

"Good to see you!"

The club was full to bursting with people so everyone had to shout to hear each other. Now they were in college they could go out together more, and no better place to let loose after classes than a nightclub.

"No sign of Oikawa?" Kuroo asked Iwaizumi.

"No, he said he was busy."


"Yeah. Again."

"But he has so much fun when he comes out with us!" Bokuto shouted from further down the bar.

"I know!"

"I'd ask him what's up."


"Asahi's got a test tomorrow so that makes 2 missing!" Suga added.

They spent the night drinking and dancing, letting out all their pent up energy on the dance floor and laughing and joking as much as they wanted to. Around 3am they all stumbled out of the club, tipsy but happy. Daichi- the designated driver- led a very wasted Tanaka to his car down the street, waving everyone off as Suga and Noya followed. Tsuki and Yams headed their own way and Hinata took a taxi with Lev and Kuroo.

Seijoh climbed into a shared taxi since they all lived near each other. Iwa looked down at his phone to see a text from Oikawa.

'Hope you enjoyed yourselves. See you tomorrow Iwa-Chan!'

/Location: Oikawa's house/

"Did they ask you to go out again?"

"Yeah. But I said no."

"Why? I feel bad. I can take care of myself and you should spend time with your friends."

"I'd rather spend time with you. I like knowing you're safe."

"But I-"

"It's ok, really."

"... Okay..."

/Location: College/

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