SunKage - By Your Side

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Player 1: I'll see you there, right?

Player 2: Unfortunately.

Player 1: ...

Player 2: JK, I'll be in the main dome around midday. I'll keep a lookout for you, 'kay?

Player 1: Yh, see you later.

Kageyama put his phone into his pocket just in time for the bus to pull in at their bnb in Tokyo. Karasuno were competing in the Volleyball Nationals and they were all excited to see their friends and win to the best of their abilities.

They were staying in a small bnb, just big enough for the team to live comfortably, and it was around a 10minute bus ride to the stadium where they would be competing. Kageyama wanted to get their as soon as possible, for as soon as he figured out the dimensions of the courts he would be able to set as perfect as usual. He also wanted to see some of his friends.

So once the team had settled in and sorted out their luggage, they had a light dinner before heading to the dome for the opening ceremony. This was a very exciting moment for Karasuno as they hadn't been to Nationals in many years.

Player 2: Are you here yet? We're just standing around like idiots.

Player 1: Just pulled up. Where are u?

Player 2: Left wing. You?

Player 1: Same, I'll look for you.

Kageyama followed in behind Suga as they went to sign in their arrival. As they were directed to the left wing, he took in all of the different teams: their numbers, height, weight, everything that could signal their main strategies. But he was called to attention when Ukai showed them where they would be walking onto the main floor with their flag. Kageyama was this time looking around for a certain tall, brown-haired, cat-eyed male who would definitely stand out.

And he wasn't searching for long as not a moment later he made eye contact with piercing hazel eyes that would take anyone off guard. The smallest smile that only the taller male would know appeared and he nodded his head in acknowledgment. And in return he got a smug grin and pocketed hands.

Kageyama sighed and shook his head before turning to the rest of his team who were excitedly discussing the ceremony. Hinata began asking him if he knew any people here, and was a little jealous when he pointed out around 10 other players from various teams. 

Soon the opening ceremony came and went and the different teams were all mingling.

Player 1: You seemed like you enjoyed that.

Player 2: U serious? It was stupid. Too loud, bright, and crowded.

Player 1: True. See you in 5 at the entrance?

Player 2: Sure, it will give me a break from these idiots.

Player 1: The twins fighting again?

Player 2: Who else?

Player 1: I know how u feel. 

Excusing himself for some fresh air, the setter left the building a few minutes ahead of his teammates. Nearing the entrance he ruffled his hair and let out a sigh, allowing himself to relax after feeling tense around so many people. He pushed open the main doors and looked around for the male.

"Miss me?"

"You're not hard to miss you giant."


Kageyama shook his head and walked over.

"Hey Rin."

"Tobio. Look at you, hot as ever."

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