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"I can't wait for the summer bro!" Tanaka exclaimed as he collapsed onto the cool gym floor after the end of practise.

"Same bro! The sun, the free time. The girls." 

"It's not summer break yet." Daichi interrupted, throwing a volleyball at the pair; Noya rolled up and caught it with a grin.

"No, it isn't. We still have one more thing to do!"

"What do we need to do?" Hinata asked, overhearing them from the other side of the court where Kageyama was setting to him. Both looked over curiously.

"Oh, it's just a little tradition." Suga began, avoiding looking at the second years' faces. "To officially welcome you to the club."

"Like a initiation?" asked Yamaguchi.

"Exactly. Since tomorrow is the last day we won't be having any practise. Instead head to the pool where the swimming club practise." Daichi explained.

Ukai and Takeda watched with confused expressions. They didn't know of any initiation for the club. Then again, the first years were all partial idiots so it wouldn't take much to convince them.

"Why the pool?" Tsuki asked, not falling for the trap.

"Just be there!" Suga exclaimed before Daichi asked everyone to tidy up. The coaches locked up and they headed home, wanting to eat and shower after a heavy practise in the summer heat.

"Do you know what they're on about?" Hinata asked Kageyama as they stopped by a vendor to get some drinks.

"No. Maybe all the clubs do this sort of thing."

"Maybe. See ya."

"See ya."

They split ways and headed home, both wondering what this 'initiation' was...

The next day- and last of the term- came around and all the students played around in lessons and lounged around on the fields due to the heavy air. The teachers didn't bother since they'd worked hard that term and everyone was looking forwards to weeks off to relax and go on holiday. 

As soon as the final bell rang cheers could be heard from all over the school; soon a stampede of students were rushing out of the school gates with big smiles, all ready for summer. The Karasuno volleyball team, however, headed to the pool. The cool air inside the building was a delightful contrast to outside.

"You're here!" Suga shouted from the stands and the first years went over to join him. "Don't run the floor is wet!"

"Sorry!" Hinata shouted back.

When they joined the third year they asked where everyone else was and Suga explained they were on the way, he just managed to get out of class earlier. Whilst they waited, Suga explained what they were to do.

"You want us to dive into the pool? Seriously?" Tsuki asked in a dead tone.

"Yes! To refresh yourselves of this stressful term so when you come back you'll be even better players."

"Sounds fun!"

"Sounds fake." Tsuki disagreed with Hinata and Kageyama nodded to.

"Do we have to?" Yams asked.

"Dive, jump, belly flop, who cares! Just do it and make it fun!" Suga encouraged and the four went off to get changed into swimming trunks.

In the changing rooms, Tsuki was complaining about how stupid this was and Yams was trying to say that it was just a little bit of fun. Kageyama for once was agreeing with Glasses. Hinata was just bouncing around excitedly.

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