Kags Harem - I'm So Hot

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"Damn it's so hot." Daichi complained as they stood outside of the hot and humid Nekoma gym to try and make the most of the faint breeze passing by.

Many of them were gulping down water like their lives depended on it and others were wafting their t-shirts to let the cool air reach their skin.

"God damn." Kageyama muttered as he leaned against the wall and lifted his shirt to dab at the sweat on his forehead. 

The heat was so intense and the thick air made playing long games difficult since there was no ventilation in the gym. He thanked Kiyoko for the towel she handed him and was surprised at how cool it was. He dabbed at his face, neck, back and arms and enjoyed the relief at the slight freshness he felt.

"Okay, let's carry on." Suga announced and everyone returned inside; Akaashi had to grab the attention of Bokuto and Kuroo before they followed, the team all reluctant to return to the sauna that was the gym.

All of the teams played half-matches against each other, this lasting a few more hours, before they decided to call it a day since the afternoon brought intense sunlight through the gym windows that scorched and blinded the players.

Everyone was lying about on the floor, their limbs spread out messily. Their loud pants and gulps echoed around the gym until a few minutes later where everyone was more composed.

"Damn." Hinata muttered, and Kageyama turned his head to see what had caught the ginger's attention; he followed his gaze and found the middle blocker was looking at his torso.


"Just, damn." Hinata said again before waving his arms over Kageyama's stomach.

"Idiot, you're not making any sense." the setter said with annoyance before leaning his head back and shutting his eyes with a sigh: he was tired from the mad heat.

"No, like, hot damn. Abs, wow." he heard the ginger mutter.


"He's got a point." he heard Yamaguchi say and turned to his other side to see the teen looking at his abs with appreciation and approval.

He sighed and arched his back so he could pull his shirt down, silently cursing himself for wearing slightly shorter clothes due to the heat. He was wearing all black- not the best choice for the sunlight- with shorts that reached just above mid-thigh and shirt that just reached his v-line.

Now that he thought of it, he did think he was getting quite a few long stares from some of the players. Perverts!

"This is a totally random question." Suga began, speaking out loud and several heads lifted off the floor to look at the vice-captain. "But what is the average waist size of males?"

"Suga what the heck?" Daichi asked quietly. 

"It just popped into my head. But like, what is it?"

"35 inches." Kuroo answered, and he just shrugged at the questioning gazes sent his way. "Don't ask how I know I just do."

"I wonder what mine is." Bokuto said as he sat up and grabbed the sides of his waist, his fingers not being able to touch.

"How about we measure them? I'm curious now too!" Noya suggested, and Kuroo left to get a measuring tape from the small office.

They each took turns- only if willing- to measure their waists, most averaging at around 33-36 inches depending on height. Kageyama was reluctant but Hinata and Yamaguchi dragged him over; with a sigh he lifted up his t-shirt enough to show his waist. Kuroo wrapped the tape around his torso and he found it was quite cool but welcoming against his body. A moment later Kuroo tightened it slightly and let out a whistle.

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