KageKen - Gaming

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After an intense first day of Training Camp with Nekoma High, Karasuno retreated to their rooms for showers and relaxation time before dinner.

Kageyama grabbed his things and managed to grab one of the showers first, letting out a sigh as the hot water eased his aches and pains. Practising serves all morning wasn't good for the shoulder. But he had to, in order to beat Oikawa; with every strike of his palm against the ball, he knew he was getting better, closer, he could feel it.

Once he washed his hair and body he dried himself off and slipped on a t-shirt and shorts. He put on some socks as he walked back to their room, letting out a quiet yawn whilst shaking his head to stay awake. He would sleep well tonight.


"What is it boke?" Kageyama frowned at the shouting.

"Can we practise more later?"


"Wah!" Everyone's heads turned to look at the surprised answer.

"My shoulder aches and I'm not gonna risk injury. So, no. Ask someone else."

"Wow, didn't know the King had more than one brain cell."

Kageyama was now lay down flat on his futon, but he rolled onto his side to give the salty beanstalk an unamused face.

"That's enough Tsuki." Suga interrupted and Kageyama rolled onto his front whilst reaching into his bag.

He looked around for a while before he found what he was looking for, and pulled out a blue case; he opened it to reveal a Nintendo Switch Lite.

"Ooh, Kenma has one of those!" exclaimed Hinata.


Kageyama powered on the gaming device before he sat up to grab his water bottle. In a minute he had settled against the wall and was choosing a game to play.

"Can I watch?" asked Yamaguchi.


"What is it?" the freckled boy asked.

"Animal Crossing. My sister brought it me and insisted I play it. It's not bad."

"High praise!"

"Yeah yeah."

Yamaguchi watched contentedly as Kageyama walked around his island, completing activities and talking to cute animal characters.

"Do you want a go?" asked Kageyama, holding out the device.

"Really? Um, okay, but I might not be any good."

"It's not hard once you get the hang of it."

The 2 first years busied themselves with the Nintendo game, whilst Daichi watched with pride that they were getting along and Kageyama was having an easy time speaking casually with someone. Everyone else busied themselves with homework or TV until it was time for dinner.

At the sound of food everyone's eyes lit up and they made it downstairs in record time. Kageyama settled down by Akaashi and they spoke about setting or funny stories of their teammates. Kageyama found it easy to talk to Akaashi, they were both actually very simple people. Hinata was obviously with Kenma and seemed to be talking excitedly about something.

The teams both talked animatedly about volleyball or training or any other things that came to mind. The meal was delicious with fresh meat and vegetables alongside rice and fresh sides. It was cleared up in minutes and everyone was too full to move.

"Alright, get to bed kids!" Ukai instructed and the teams split off to relax before sleep.

Kageyama resumed his spot and took out his Switch Lite, resuming gameplay on Animal Crossing. He actually enjoyed the game. It was simple to play, had interesting activities, and yes, the characters were kinda cute. At one point he heard the door slide open but assumed it was Ukai telling them it was lights out, so he didn't bother looking up.

What he didn't expect was for Kenma to sit down besides him and take out his Switch too, turning on Animal Crossing.

"You play?" he asked quietly.

"A little. Volleyball takes up a lot of time so it's not as much of a hobby as I'd like it to be." Kageyama replied.


It was quiet between them, but not the uncomfortable or awkward silence you would expect. They commented here and there on each other's gameplay and Kenma gave some good advice too.

"Want to link up?" Kenma suddenly asked.


Once connected they explored each other's islands, and Kageyama said Kenma was way ahead of him in the game. They traded a few items and designed some buildings; overall it was a relaxing time. They both got on quite well, and actually spoke about things other than gaming when they were playing together.

"Hey, where should I put this?" Kageyama asked aloud, not looking at Kenma but everyone knew it was meant for Kenma.

"How about here? Then there is enough room for expansion."

"Good idea."

Karasuno's team members were almost excited at how Kageyama was speaking so freely with Kenma, knowing it was a stressful time for the first year to speak with people he didn't know well.

"I'm so proud of him." Daichi whispered to Suga who shook the captain's shoulder excitedly.

"Lights out kids!"

Ukai's voice interrupted the calm quiet in the room and even made a few dozers jump. The coach apologised and told them to get into bed for another busy day tomorrow.

"You should probably go to sleep." Kenma said as he unlinked his device. "Um..."

"What is it?" Kageyama asked, looking at the second year who had stood up to leave.

"Do you want to link up another time?"

"Oh, okay."

"Great! I mean, um, okay. Bye."

The second year slipped out of the room with a small wave and Kageyama waved back before saving and turning off his Switch Lite too. Hr put it back in its case then into his bag.

Everyone settled into their futons before saying goodnight and one by one drifting off to sleep. Kageyama- before he too fell asleep- thought about Kenma's offer, and was excited to play with him again. Who knew? Kageyama was excited to spend time with someone who he barely knew.

Well, in any case, it was a good change. And he welcomed it.

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