KuroKage - A Date?! Pt.1

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The echo of the volleyball colliding powerfully with the floor danced around the room, mixing with those before it until all that could be heard was a symphony of bangs and crashes.

Kageyama watched the ball roll pathetically across the court before retrieving another ball and spinning it in his hands. His eyes narrowed as he aimed his shot before serving the ball with deadly strength. He once more watched his serve slam onto the floor before huffing and getting another one.

Each time his palm connected with the volleyball, a fragment of anger was taken away with it; there was satisfaction of seeing it lie motionless on the ground, forgotten about. A few hundred should do the trick.

He was all alone in the gym, telling his team that he needed some time to cool off. None of them stopped him at the deeply frustrated look on his face. They headed to the hall to eat with the other team, telling him not to stay too late. Honestly he didn't know what time it was. No light was coming through the windows and the gym lights were a bright and harsh yellow, allowing him to see his body's reflection in the wooden floor beneath him. He huffed before getting another ball and serving once more.

Kageyama lost track of time and volleyballs littered the floor in dozens. They had been collected and recollected from the amount of times they'd been used. He was breathing heavily but that little slither of remaining anger just wouldn't go away. He would make it go away.

He reached behind him to grab another ball when something grabbed his arms, pulling him back and into something firm.

"What the-"

"Hey, calm down. Just relax, okay?"

"What are you-?"

"Helping. Come on, deep breaths."



Kageyama tried to break his arms free but the struggle was useless. He took deep breaths in and out, following the voice behind him, and slowly he could feel himself calming down that last edge slipping away.

A few minutes later he had completely chilled and all remaining energy had had left his body. He slumped back into that same hard surface and the grip on his forearms lightened. He bowed his head and took in quiet breaths.

"Now isn't that better?" asked Kuroo, speaking softly.

"Whatever. Why are you here anyways?"

"Well when I heard loud crashes coming from our gym I took it upon myself to investigate. And what do I find..."


"Someone who is being way too hard on themselves."

Kageyama looked over his shoulder to see Kuroo giving him a gentle smile.

"And with a few anger issues." Kuroo added as a joke.

Kageyama sighed and gave the Captain a pointed look, pulling on his arms to be let go. Obliging, Kuroo let go and let Kageyama turn around; yet, his hold never left, instead slipping around to the setter's waist. Kageyama wanted to ask what he wanted but before he could even speak Kuroo had lifted him up and began to carry him, a stupid grin on his face.

"Where are we going?!"

"You'll see."

Kageyama huffed at the teasing, knowing Kuroo wouldn't give in. He was bracing himself to expect the worst but he didn't expect them to go to the small medical room. Kuroo sat him down on one of the white-sheeted beds. Gently, he brushed away the hair in front of the Kageyama's forehead, surprised at how fluffy it was. When the setter looked up at him with confusion- his head tilted slightly- he couldn't ignore the heat he felt rise to his cheeks. He shook his head and went over to one of the cupboards, feeling an intense gaze upon him.

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