Assassin Pt.1

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"I heard there's a new transfer student!"

"I hope it's a cute girl!"

"I bet it's a boy."

"I hope he's attractive."

"I bet she's really small."

"Where have they come from?"

"I heard they moved here from abroad!"

"No way!"

"Are they Japanese?"

"Can they speak-"

The sliding open of the door caught the class' attention and in walked the Assistant Principal. She looked at them with a frown as if she knew what all the loud discussion was about. They stood up and bowed before they were asked to sit back down and welcome the new student. The Assistant Principal gestured to someone standing outside and students looked on with excitement at the new arrival.

"I would like you all to meet Kageyama Tobio. He has moved here from abroad and I hope you treat him well."

"Hello, it's nice to meet you all. Please take care of me."

Standing at the front of the classroom was a teenage boy, slightly tall and with jet black hair. His skin was lightly tanned and he had a slim and toned build. The most attractive feature were his eyes. They were the most vibrant blue and caught the attention of all the girls. He stood there with a small smile on his face and waved after bowing, making several of the students blush.

"I hope you settle into this class." the teacher welcomed before gesturing to a free seat by the window.


The morning lessons went by far too slow for the class so as soon as the bell for morning break went the students all rushed around the new student who was surprised at their interest in him.

"So where are you from?" a girl asked, turning around in her seat in front of him.

"Oh, I grew up in America but we moved back here a few months ago."

"What state?"



"So you can speak English?"

"Yes. I could teach you some if you like." Kageyama spoke in perfect English.

"So cool!"

"Not to be rude but do you know where I can get some food?"

"I'll show you!" a chorus of eager voices chimed at once.


The whole class seemed to have decided to show the new boy where the cantine was, and their stampede of footsteps could be heard from the whole school; it caused several concerned glances out of classrooms and excited whispers at a new face in the crowd. Only the cool students hung back.

Upon arriving at the cantine, the students relaxing there were quick to speak to the new kid but those older ones kept their distance. Kageyama seemed a little taken aback by the heavy amount of pupils so he slipped away from the crowd and headed to the line.

"Oh you look new here! How was your morning?" a kind lady asked.

"Well, thankyou. There is a lot of excitement around me though."

"It will soon settle don't worry. Here, as a welcome to Karasuno."

The supervisor handed him a milk box and he smiled and bowed gratefully before heading back up the classroom. Unfortunately, he wasn't sure of the layout of the school and ended up being lost. He wandered up and down the hallway and stairs until someone saw him and came over.

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