A Cat?

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"Whoa, watch out!" Bokuto shouted before Asahi went to spike.

Asahi was surprised by Bokuto's sudden shouting and ended up missing the spike. The ball rolled dejectedly to the floor finally leaning against the wall. Kageyama was annoyed his set wasn't spiked and turned to the Owl Ace for an explanation.

"Sorry, but look."

None of them had noticed, too into their practise match, but a small cat had wandered into the gym, just peeking through the door and strolling in just as Asahi was about to spike. If the Jesus-looking man had spiked there was a possibility of hurting the cat.

"I'll get it!" Kuroo announced as he stood up from the bench- where Nekoma were relaxing after their game- and walked over to the cat. He crouched down so he was closer to it and reached a hand out slowly. Usually he was excellent with cats so when the cat hissed and scratched his hand he jumped and recoiled with shock.

"Ow! That stings!"

"Bro are you ok?" shouted Bokuto as he ran over to him.

"Bokuto-San please calm down." Akaashi's tired voice fell upon ignorant ears.

"I'm okay bro."

"But the cat looks so cute."

"I know. It has to be a stray."

"But it looks clean and well fed."

Bokuto tried to pick up the cat too, but he got a loud meow and the cat jumped before running away to the corner of the gym, further away from the door.

"We can't play we might hurt the cat!" Hinata exclaimed.

"I can try to get it." Daichi offered as he ventured over to the cat.

Unlike Kuroo and Bokuto he didn't immediately reach out to grab the cat; instead he tried to pet it to make it feel safe. But that didn't work either. He too joined the gang of scratched hands and did not look happy.

"Who's next?" Daichi asked.

"Ooh, me!" Suga volunteered...

Soon everyone in Karasuno, Nekoma and Fukurodani had attempted to retrieve the cat and take it to safety. But it was a complete loss. The cat only continued to hiss and scratch and run away, causing people to get bruises from diving in attempts to reach the cat.

"Wait, Kageyama you haven't had a go." Suga announced as he turned to the first year.

Seeing the commotion was going to last a while, Kageyama had sat down against the back wall and was filling his nails, trying to not draw attention to himself.

"Won't it just get bored and leave?" Kageyama asked. "All this running around probably seems like a game to it."

"That makes sense." Kuroo considered.

"But you have to have a go." Hinata added making the first year glare at him.

"Fine." the setter huffed before putting his file into his bag and standing up. "But if I get a single scratch on my hands you're dead."

Hinata gulped but nodded and Kageyama headed over to the cat that was hiding in the corner. He watched it for a while before sitting down and crossing his legs, nor doing anything else. A few tense minutes passed before the cat hesitantly crept up to the first year. Although his face was calm, Kageyama was actually nervous, he had never really gotten along with cats. They always thought he was scary.

The cat, he realised, was just as scared as him. He let it walk forwards a little more before holding a hand out palm up to show he wasn't dangerous. It sniffed his palm and little before giving it little kitten licks making him stifle a laugh. Okay, this was cute.

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