Anxiety Headcanons

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- When the team has a practise match with a new team Kageyama always gets anxious so Suga will talk to him about completely random things to take his mind off of it

- The team noticed he has a habit of wringing his hands when he feels stressed out, especially if he has a test that day, so they give him snacks and drinks to occupy his hands and to stop him from hurting himself 

- When talking to someone that he isn't entirely comfortable with he always ends up making random moments of eye contact and then looking away with a flush; when this happens everyone finds it quite cute and they just smile and continue to talk

- Tobio has intrusive thoughts whenever he feels down or depressed and they tell him things like 'you're not good enough or worthy to be on this team' or 'it would be better if you just stopped existing for a while'

- So when he had a breakdown and didn't go to school for a few days they visited his house and found his sister was there helping him through a panic attack; she explained everything and they felt their hearts break, vowing to make him feel loved

- Karasuno knows he has abandonment issues when finding out about his middle school past and family past so they always make sure to support him and give him attention and security

- He is slowly learning to speak up about his thoughts and ideas in a way that isn't demanding nor condescending yet confident too but when he is forced to speak up he stutters and gets anxious; the team always looks out for this when at training camps

- He is very touch-deprived so everyone loves to give him random hugs and head pats to show him affection, and when they do Tobio gets surprised and blushes bright red

- They take turns holding his hand- like completely platonically, maybe- when they are sitting down during break, when they hang out together, or when they are preparing for a match; it is very much enjoyed by both parties

- He used to have braces when he was younger so he struggles to smile and is self-conscious about his real smile

- However, when he was on a video call with Atsumu at a training camp the blond made him laugh so much he was crying; the team walked in and were stunned by how very pretty his smile and laugh were

- Kageyama is still very wary around the Seijoh members apart form Iwaizumi, so when they practise together Daichi will always stay next to him; Tobio knows that when he wants some affection or comfort he just has to tug the captain's jacket and Daichi will hold his hand or something 

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