TsukiKage - Snapped

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"He's taking a while isn't he?" Suga asked when the team began to stretch.

"Tsuki, go check on him."

"Why me?" Tsuki asked Daichi.

"Because you're closest to the door."

"Fine." the middle blocker sighed before heading out the gym and heading to the changing room upstairs. 

The closer he got to the room, the louder an oddly angry voice could be heard. It was coming from the room but it wasn't clear enough to be from Kageyama. He partly slid open the door and saw Kageyama was on the phone, speaking- or trying to- to the person on the other end. Whoever he was calling was clearly older and sounded harsh and angry; the setter looked like he was trying to hold himself together.

He watched as Kageyama tried to speak, barely getting a syllable out before the voice began to shout at him all over again. He was clenching and unclenching his fists as he bared with the speaker.

Until he couldn't.

"Won't you listen to me for God's sake?! You really love the sound of your own voice don't you?!"

The person on the other end fell quiet but soon enough began to shout again. 

"How dare-"

"No! How dare I?! How dare you! Have you ever even for a second though about what I want?! What I think and feel?!"


"Shut up! You're never around! Dumping me and my sister on our Grandfather who's almost on his death bed and you think you can lecture me about responsibility and God knows whatever else you think I'm not good enough at! You bastard!"

Kageyama was breathing deeply but looked so fired up, like he had been bottling up everything until this moment. And now there was no stopping him.


"I said be quiet and let me speak for once! Do you know what my hopes and dreams are?! My sister's?! You barely even know us so how can you call yourself our father and expect us to show you the respect you don't give us?!"

"This is-"

"Unacceptable?! Not good enough?! For you, maybe! But I've worked so goddamn hard on this that you won't take it away from me like you have done everything and everyone I've ever cared about! Let me live my own life and not the one you didn't get to have because you weren't good enough!"

"That is not-"

"Oh I think it is! Have you ever even asked me... Do you even care?! No, you don't, do you?! Because it's always you you you and I'm done! I'm sick of you trying to control me when I never see you in person! I do what you say and push people away, for you! And what do I get, huh?!"


"An absent father and missing mother who don't give two shits about their son! When was the last time you phoned her, huh?! You don't give a goddamn fuck about anything that isn't centred around you and that's why she left! God, I'm sick of doing this over and over I can't take it anymore! I can't-"

His voice broke and he placed a hand over his mouth to quieten his sobs. Kageyama seemed to realise what he had done and his eyes widened; he shook as he looked down at his phone with fear. When the person on the phone began to shout and rage once more he put his hand over the phone until they hung up. Kageyama threw his phone against the wall and slowly tears fell down his face, his body closing in on itself.

Tsuki couldn't just stand there and watch anymore. He slid open the door so he could be seen before walking in. Kageyama saw him and turned his back, holding his breath to be quiet.

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