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Kageyama knew something was off as soon as he headed onto the court for the second set. Karasuno had taken the first easily so hoped to do the same in the second too, but they knew the opposing team would come back even harder to take it from them.

Kageyama knew something was off when he stood on the front row of the rotation and looked at the middle blocker opposite him. He saw an oddly menacing and creepy grin through the thin netting, and he didn't like how it made his stomach stir. He was used to stares or glares but this was different.

Kageyama knew something was wrong when he watched his team dig the ball and send it around before passing it to him. It seemed slow and blurry and made his head hurt. It came closer yet he found his body was as stiff as led and heavy as stone; he struggled to even acknowledge his team's shouts.

Kageyama knew something was wrong when minutes ago he had taken a drink from his water bottle and found it tasted funny. Thinking it was the bottle and that it hadn't been cleaned properly, he didn't take another sip and put it back since he wasn't really desperate for water. The intense stares from the opposite team sending shivers down his back, yet they looked away when he looked over.

Kageyama knew something was wrong when instead of taking a step forwards to set the ball as he planned to do, his knees gave way and they crashed onto the court as his legs buckled. The volleyball landed beside him and he could hear it through his shut eyes. He held a hand to his ribs and he could feel his heart rate constantly changing pace.

His breathing was irregular and painful and the odd feeling in his stomach began to grow. His team all rushed over to him and tried to ask what was wrong. Suga made them all be quiet so Kageyama could listen to one of their voices, thinking there was something seriously wrong. He just didn't know how bad.

"I... I knew it..." Kageyama managed to get out before he grit his teeth at the tightness in his chest.

"Knew what?" Suga asked with wide and worried eyes. He looked over his shoulder and saw Takeda and Ukai were on their way over too.

"What's happening?" Daichi asked, not knowing how to help the setter.

"They..." Kageyama vaguely gestured to the team on the other side of the net who were watching with a mixture of expressions. "They drugged m-my... water-"

He couldn't continue talking as harsh coughs erupted from him, alongside something worse.

Bright red specks of blood splattered the floor, and the hand Kageyama was holding against his stomach clenched into a fist. He could hear everyone's shouting but it was fuzzy and too damn loud. He could see out of the corner of his vision Tanaka and Noya run under the net and began to shout and tackle the players, trying to get one of them to own up to poisoning Kageyama.

The shiny splatters of blood blurred in and out of sight until the black creeping in at the edges surrounded him and he felt his consciousness slip away. Kageyama fell forwards and Daichi managed to catch him, resting the teen's head on his lap and growing more afraid by the second as a small trail of blood left the setter's mouth.

"Oh my god oh my god oh my god..." Asahi was repeating quietly as he watched Ukai hastily call an ambulance and say it was an emergency.

Tanaka and Noya were furious and were not holding back on any of the players on the other team. It wasn't until their coach interrupted and promised to find out which one of his boys did this- assuring they would pay for their actions deeply. Takeda pulled the second years away but even he held some despise in his eyes.

Suga was checking Kageyama's pulse every few seconds and Yamaguchi was comforting Hinata who was completely freaking out. Tsuki said he knew some basic CPR so advised Daichi on the best way to position Kageyama until the ambulance arrived.

Ukai hung up the phone after explaining all he could and he and Suga left the gym to greet the medics who were on their way. In moments they had Kageyama on a stretcher and were carrying him into the ambulance; luckily the local hospital was not too far away so they had time to figure out what drug Kageyama was poisoned with and how serious it was.

The team all left without a thankyou and headed onto the minibus, following after the ambulance with fear in their hearts. Why would someone do such a thing just to win a simple practise match?! They just hoped Kageyama would be okay...

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