Beach Outing

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The bus was alive with energy as it drove through the winding roads, the bright blue sea growing closer and closer up ahead. Everyone was excited to get together and have a fun day at the beach, some far more than others.

For example, Hinata was practically bouncing up and down in his seat, exclaiming every so often about all of the fun things they could do at the beach. His limitless energy was annoying the tired blueberry next to him to the point where he could no longer stay quiet.

"Are we there yet?" asked Hinata for the umpteenth time.

"Boke would you shut up asking that!" snapped Kageyama as he rubbed his temples from his ongoing headache.

Coming to the beach meant he had to get up early, miss his run and have no time for breakfast. As exciting as it was to go to the beach this was not a great start to the day.

"But Yamayama, we can play beach volleyball!"

"Are we there yet?" Kageyama instantly asked causing Suga to laugh from his seat in front of them.

"Of course that would be the thing to get you excited." Daichi said with amusement at the first years.

To Hinata, volleyball was the most important thing in his life; to Kageyama, volleyball was his life. They practically lived and breathed the sport so knowing they could play it even on a day out was amazing.

"We're almost there. Ten more minutes." Takeda announced and the boys all quickly turned to look out of the window to try and spot the buses of the other teams. 

"I think I can see the Nekoma coach." Ukai stated as he gestured to the small parking lot for tourists.

Minutes later they were parked up, and out stumbled 12 boys and 2 adults, all with varying degrees and energy and excitement on their faces. For example, Tanaka and Noya shouted loudly before dragging their bags and inflatables across the sand, dumping them onto the beach and racing into the water. On the other hand, Tsukishima was leaning against the bus with a bored expression: if he hadn't liked visiting the beach himself he wouldn't have come.

"Be careful!" Takeda shouting before sighing as the two second years ignored his warnings and tumbled into the water, emerging soon after coughing up salt but sporting wide grins.

"Let's go and find everyone." Daichi instructed and the team all made their way onto the beach, getting looks from other day-outers for their large numbers and heavy luggage.

After a while of scouting the beach they stumbled across a few members of Seijoh, one being Oikawa.

"Yahoo, Tobio-Chan! Mr Refreshing! Chibi-Chan! And everyone else."

"Hello Oikawa." greeted Suga with a smile whilst Hinata waved and Kageyama diverted his gaze.

"Are the other teams here?" asked Daichi and Oikawa nodded, saying everyone was there except for Inarizaki.

"It'll be fun to spend the weekend all together and do something other than volleyball." Iwa stated and the teams agreed as they made their way over to where Seijoh, Nekoma, Fukurodani and Shiratorizawa were all gathered.

Once everyone had greeted each other, set out towels and umbrellas, and gotten refreshing drinks, everyone split off to do their own activities. Tanaka and Noya were still in the sea so Hinata went to join them. Kenma wanted to as well but he stayed on the shoreline as he clutched his game to his chest, eyeing the water warily like a cat.

Daichi went to the small café with the other Captains and they all got drinks for their teams but gathering around a table and catching up, mainly talking about school and college applications. Everyone else either walked around the beach taking photos or playing tag, headed out into the ocean or lay on the sand sunbathing.

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