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"I'm busy this weekend, maybe another time."

That was Kageyama's response when Suga asked him if he wanted to hang out at the weekend. The rest of the team said yes, some more reluctantly than others, but Kageyama declined. They were curious as to why he didn't want to hang out but he didn't give them a proper reason. As much as they respected his privacy they were curious as to what his plans where.

So, as any good teammates would do, they headed over to his house and knocked on the door bright and early. They were expecting him to be half asleep or sweaty from a morning run. They didn't expect him to covered in tattoos and wearing a suit with no shirt.

"What are you doing here?" the setter asked in a tired and annoyed voice as he leaned against the doorway.



"What are you wearing? Or not wearing?!" Noya asked loudly.

"Oh, this." Kageyama looked down at himself before sighing and gesturing for them to come inside. "Shut the door behind you."

They all excitedly headed into Kageyama's house, taking the chance to snoop around the place. It was nice and quite big; it looked like a recent build. They were curious as to what Kageyama was doing and all of there current plans were out of their minds.

"Hey Miwa, we have visitors!" Kageyama shouted as he opened a pair of misted double doors and led the team into a small studio with white backdrops and a range of lighting and camera technology.

"Who? Oh, hi! You're Tobio's teammates, right?"

"Yes, nice to meet you. Are you his sister?" Daichi asked as the pair shook hands.

"I sure am." Miwa answered with a grin before ushering Kageyama back into the camera range. "Are you okay with just watching for a while, I really need to get these shots done."

"Sure, but would you mind explaining what you're doing?" Suga asked as the team sat all around the room, out of sight of the camera.

"A uni assignment."

Kageyama sighed as he leaned against the backdrop at an angle, trying to refocus on the modelling his sister had asked him to do. It was a little embarrassing to do this alone but it was even harder with the team watching. He tried his best to act like nobody was watching and resumed his positions. Slight changes to the placement of his arm, leaning back on one leg, quick glances to the camera. 

"I should get you to do this more often." Miwa praised as she took some extra shots of Kageyama running a hand through his hair, highlighting the designs she had taken so long to put onto his skin.

"No." her brother declined immediately, causing some of the team to laugh.

"But you could do this professionally and make so much money!"

"No. You would use the money for more projects."

"Exactly. It's a part of my degree!"

"Yeah yeah, I know."

They both refocused on their tasks and the team just watched with intruige. It really looked like a pro photoshoot with the lighting props and backdrops. After a while, Miwa put some music on and asked Kageyama to change up his style. Originally she asked for serious and allusive but now she wanted something else. 

"As if like... like you're at a club trying to seduce someone."

"Excuse me?"

"Just be like-" she made some sort of body rolling movement that made Tobio cringe.

"Okay okay, just stop. Please, before you break something."

The team really enjoyed watching the two siblings bicker; they had only ever seen pictures of Miwa but now they understood aspects of Kageyama's personality better.

"And action. Let's do some slow-mo shots so just like walk about and stuff."

Kageyama nodded and headed to the back corner of the backdrop. He walked forwards in a diagonal line and when he was near the centre looked at the camera with a smirk and pushed back one side of his blazer revealing the sides of his abs. He then turned away and continued walking.

"Nice! Keep it going."

Okay, it was getting more and more difficult to focus with how intensely the team were looking at him. But he had to admit the music was catchy and Miwa ended up getting some good shots of him just dancing a little or posing at the best angles that made him seem captivating. 

"And I think we're done. Thanks Tobio, takeaway on me tonight!"

The music was turned off and the lights reduced to a less harsh brightness. Kageyama sighed and leaned against the backdrop, feeling quite tired after an hour or so of modelling. He swore if Miwa wasn't his sister he wouldn't do this for anyone!

Karasuno got up and looked at some of the shots Miwa took whilst Kageyama began to take of the make-up and tattoo designs with a pack of wipes.

"Wow Kageyama, you look really good!" Tanaka exclaimed as they looked at the best shots taken.

"You look hot!" Noya added, making the setter look at them over his shoulder, surprise written on his face.

"Your sister is right, you could totally make a career from this." Asahi said when Kageyama was changed into jeans and a hoodie, his face fresh and clean of make-up.

"No thanks." Kageyama declined with a shake of his head, he didn't like showing so much skin.

Miwa took the main equipment she would need to edit the photos- such as the camera, laptop, and memory disks- before they left the studio; she asked what they were doing today and why they came by.

"Yamayama said no to going out with us today." Hinata explained. "We wanted to know why."

"Ah, right. Aw, Tobio, you spent time with me over your teammates." Miwa cooed in a teasing voice making the setter sigh. "But he has nothing to do now so he can go out with you."

"Great. We're going to go the cinema and then hang out at the park or something."

"Let me get my things."

They watched Kageyama head upstairs to get his phone and wallet; once he was out of sight Miwa asked them some questions about practise and their school life. They all quite liked how chill Miwa was. 

"Let's go. See you later Miwa."

The team all waved goodbye to Tobio's sister before they left the house, the setter shutting the door behind him. He took a deep breath in and out: the fresh air felt nice compared to the stifling air from the harsh lights. The team continued to talk about his modelling and his photos, saying he looked like a natural. Kageyama just kept getting redder and redder until Daichi had to make them stop their teasing.

"What movie are we seeing anyways?"

"We're not sure yet, we'll decide when we get there."


They spent the rest of the day watching a new action film before grabbing some fast food and hanging out at the park, looking like overgrown kids as they hung off of climbing frames and did flips off of swings. Some parents gave them funny looks but they just laughed them off and waved at some intrigued looking kids. As much as Kageyama liked helping out his sister he also liked spending time with his team too. Best of both worlds, he guessed.

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