AtsuKage - Precious Cargo Pt.2

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"Yer gorgeous."

"I- what? No..." the Prince was confused at the word choice of the Captain. He was not gorgeous.

"Everything fits well I see."

Kageyama looked into the mirror leaning against the side of the chest and looked himself up and down before doing the same from the back. Everything did fit well. And he thought he now looked more like a pirate, or at least he hoped so.

"Some final touches."

"You sound like my old tailor and maid."

"Tailor and maid? How lucky." Atsumu teased as he walked over to the small chest on the bedside and opened it.

He joined Kageyama in front of the mirror before adding a few thread circlets onto his wrists, partly rolling his sleeves up. He also added a fake piercing to his cartilage.


"Aye, we can get you a real one when we reach land if you'd like."

"I'll think about it."

"Good. Here."

Tobio turned to face the Captain and jumped a little when he reached up to ruffle his hair making it slightly messy, before adding some black eyeliner around his eyes, matching his own.

"Done. Aye, yer a real pirate now."

Tobio turned back around and was met with a pirate. Not a Prince but a carefree, lawbreaking pirate. A cute one too.

Atsumu grinned before wrapping his arms around Kageyama's waist and resting his head on the boy's shoulder.

"Yer waist is so tiny. Maybe you'd look good in a corset."

"No, Miya. Corsets are horrifying."

The Captain grinned before leading him out of the quarters and down to the kitchen where Kita had finished cooking. The food smelled decent enough in the murky lower deck and yet Kageyama raised a brow at how good it looked when he saw it on his plate.

"I'm impressed. Plates and cutlery. I thought you'd be eating with your hands out of the pot."

Atsumu laughed and sat down at the head of the table, pulling Tobio down next to him. Over dinner, Kageyama made conversation with a few members of the crew, and in turn they got used to the blunt and sarcastic yet kind nature of the Prince that they were so surprised by. The meal passed quick enough and Atsumu announced Kageyama would be working with them all tomorrow to find him a place of work on the ship. Everyone agreed and went to finish their duties before leaving to the barracks to sleep.

"Do you need help, Kita?" Tobio asked. "You seem to do so much yourself."

"That would be appreciated, aye."

"Maybe that could be my job. Kita's assistant."

"Sounds good." Atsumu agreed. "Meet me at the crow's nest when yer done." he spoke quietly into Tobio's ear before leaving to finish his mapping.

The two males cleaned up and washed the dishes before heading into the laundry room. Kageyama was surprised yet comforted by Kita's personality, wondering why the male had become a pirate. He helped sort out the clothes before the older male said he could go, knowing the captain would be getting impatient.

"Okay, rest well Kita."

"Aye, and welcome to the crew."

Kageyama went back up to top deck before reaching the mast and beginning to climb his way up. About halfway up the breeze met his body and he leaned slightly away from the rope ladder, closing his eyes and enjoying the refreshing taste of freedom. He loved it. He returned to his climb yet when he reached the nest there was nobody there.

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