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"Wait, when is your birthday again Kageyama?" Daichi asked as he was checking the calendar in the club room.

"22nd December."

"Right. Got it- wait. No way, that can't be right."

"What is it?" Suga asked, looking over Daichi's shoulder as the captain stared with a frown at the calendar.

"Kageyama, you're the youngest here?"

"Um, yeah, I guess." the setter replied casually as he got changed into his uniform after their morning practise.

"Hinata's not the youngest!" Asahi exclaimed before quickly apologising at the unamused face the ginger teen sent him.

"Surprising, isn't it?" Tsuki stated and Yamaguchi stifled a laugh. "He's older than us."

"Oh my gosh..." Suga whispered before walking over to Kageyama and holding his face in his palms, "you are my youngest child. My baby bird."

Suga just grew more and more excited, practically vibrating with joy from where he stood. His cute and angsty first year prodigy child was the youngest! Kageyama just looked at him with confusion, wondering why his face was being held so carefully.

"Calm down Suga, we've just become parents we can't scare our children away." Daichi advised and the room erupted into chuckles.

"I'm just in shock. Ah!" Suga screamed before tackling Kageyama in a hug, making them both fall into a heap on the floor. "You're my baby and I will protect you." 

"But I just fell on my back." the setter stated and the grey-haired male quickly got off him, holding a hand out to help.

"This is fantastic news." he heard Suga mutter to himself before they left the club room to head to their morning classes...

Every so often the Karasuno team members liked to play the age card to tease Kageyama. Whether it was to get them a drink or to clean up the gym, they would always ask the setter if they were too tired. But, to their surprise, the youngest crow did all of that anyways; not because they were teasing but because he thought it was just the right thing to do. 

Except for Hinata, that dumbass could get his own damn drink and clean up after himself!

And sometimes they liked to tease him with cute or funny nicknames, calling him their baby or their little crow. And as much as Kageyama pretended he hated the names, he actually found it quite endearing and enjoyed the attention. 

But if someone from another team dared to try it on with Kageyama because of his age- which many didn't and were actually surprised at the talent he possessed- then they should prepare to get an intense introduction to the boy's family. 

One time at a small weekend training camp, Karasuno had finished up their matches for the day and were packing up to head outside, Takeda waiting in the bus to drive them to their b&b. Kageyama had been playing at his best that day and allowed the team to score many points effortlessly. His analysis, strength and accuracy were intimidating and annoying to the other teams.

And so, a few players from a local team decided that if they wanted to show who was the best team tomorrow and win against the wingless crows, then they needed to do something about him.

When the team were doing a final check before heading out, Kageyama was standing and talking with Noya who was asking him for tips to improve his setting after having tried it out once that day. It was an enjoyable conversation for the both of them, and Noya enjoyed seeing the focus yet enjoyment on their youngest's face. That was until-


Kageyama paused his sentence and turned around to see the face that belonged to the voice that was way too close for comfort. He saw three guys who were as tall as- or even taller- than Tsukishima. They were looking at him with intense eyes and trying to use their height to intimidate him by looming over him. Kageyama was not impressed.

"Hello." he greeted before turning around and resuming his conversation with the libero.

The pair continued to talk and completely ignore the heavy presence behind Kageyama. The trio were shocked at how unbothered the setter seemed and grew angry. Who did he think he was?!

"Hey, I'm talking to you!"

The middle guy's hand grabbed onto Kageyama's shoulder and forcefully turned him around. But before he could even get another word in, Kageyama was pulled away and standing in his place were almost the whole team- apart from Asahi who had pulled the setter away and was asking if he was alright.

Faces that seemed ready to kill turned blank for a moment before resuming their heavy arrogance and annoyance.

"We weren't talking to you." the middle one sneered and pointed aggressively to Kageyama. "It's him we want."

"Too bad. Business hours are closed, come back never." Suga instructed with cold eyes.

"What the fuck do you want with our setter?" demanded Tanaka.

"Yeah, what the heckie do you want with Kageyama?" Hinata echoed.

The players grew annoyed at how protective the setter's teammates were. Why wouldn't they back off since it's none of their business!

"He needs to be put in his place." the guy on the left stated, and the team all looked at him with unamused expressions.

"Put in my place?" Kageyama asked quietly and everyone turned to look at him.

He was a little put out earlier with the stranger's rude actions but he was okay and assured Asahi of it too. So now, when these randomers were messing with his team- and he saw his friends protecting him- he was simply annoyed.

"What place, beneath yours? You think you're better than me?"

Karasuno all grinned at Kageyama's words and seeing the flicker in his eyes ignite. Oh, he was mad. 

"Yeah! Our team will crush yours tomorrow." the guy on the right exclaimed.

"Oh really? Wanna bet, huh!" Tanaka argued back, taking a step forwards with his hands clenched into fists.

"Your team, beat us? With what, a bunch of mindless, uncoordinated, lazy, arrogant jerks? Or is it your giant egos that will get in the way?"

Damn, where did he learn all of those long words? Tutoring must have really paid off. Tsuki and Yamaguchi were smirking with approval, and Hinata looking over at him with a dropped jaw.

"Why you-" the guy in the middle stepped forwards, but a strong hold on his arm halted his movements.

"You leave him alone."

"And who are you to get in my way, huh?"

"The captain of this damn team."

Daichi glared at the player until he grunted and pulled his arm away, sending one last glare at the setter.

"You'll pay for this tomorrow."

When the three players sulked off, the team let out sighs of relief. They asked Kageyama if he was alright, and the setter apologised for making a disturbance.

"If they turned aggressive you could have gotten hurt." explained Kageyama when asked why he was apologising.

"We had to stand up for you. You're our baby crow, nobody is gonna get to you like that." Suga vowed and Kageyama looked down with red cheeks. 

Suga cooed and squished his cheeks- calling him cute- before Daichi led everyone outside and onto the bus. On the way back they talked about things that went well that day and what they could improve on tomorrow. But it was a time filler, because once they were showered and fed in their b&b, it was cuddle time for the Karasuno boys, Kageyama squished between his two parents...

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