Kags Harem - Exam Results

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They thought they had seen Kageyama at his most anxious during the midterms that would determine whether he could attend the multischool training camp. But no, this was next level anxious and all Karasuno wanted to do was smother him in blankets and cuddles and stop time for him, even if it was just for a little while.

The first years had just finished their end of year exams and were now awaiting their results. Each day that was crossed off the calendar in the clubroom was a step to a progressively worse environment. At first, Yamaguchi was trying to cheer up Kageyama as the youngest crow was more agitated than usual. But when the agitation became silent self-destruction he stopped, not knowing what to do. 

For Kageyama, these exams were more important than most people knew. His parents had contacted him to tell him that if he failed his exams he would be going with them to America to attend a special private school, all to improve his grades. This meant he would be in a whole new country with nobody to talk to- since his parents wouldn't speak to him- and worst of all leaving Miwa, as well as not being able to visit his grandfather's shrine. But that also meant one terrifying thing: no more volleyball. The one sport that the ravenette lived and breathed, the sport that taught him teamwork and communication, the sport that his grandfather taught him, would be taken from right under his feet. 

But he could never tell Karasuno this, they didn't need to know that if he failed these exams they would most likely never see him again. Yet the team knew that although it was normal for Tobio to worry over exams this was more extreme than at midterms.

Their results day was the last Thursday of the last week; the team had planned to all go out together to celebrate the graduation of the third years by skipping the last Friday. They knew it was terrible, but with some heartfelt convincing from Noya, Tanaka and Hinata, the third years all reluctantly agreed since their graduation ceremony was taking place in the holiday and they had already said most of their goodbyes to friends and teachers. 

So, as the last week drew to a close, Kageyama progressively grew worse and worse until he was completely zoned out at practise and ended up having a little talk with Ukai outside:

"These exams aren't everything Kageyama."

'They are to me.'

"They aren't the end of the world. You can redo them at the start of the next school year."

'No I can't.'

"Kageyama. Is there anything else going on that the team or I need to know about?"

'Yes. The simple fact that I may not be here next year.'

"No, everything is fine I'm just worried."

"Okay then..."

Time sped by and it was Thursday. Most of their classes were all on the same corridor, so the first years all had around the same time to go and collect their resources. Tsukishima was at 3:05PM, Yamaguchi at 3:05PM, Hinata at 3:10PM and finally Kageyama at 3:15PM. The teachers had to make them suffer by surrounding them with nervous students all day!

The team had decided that they would head to the main hall with the first years to collect their results with them and to provide- if needed- any emotional support. The second years received their results last week and they all passed with good grades. The constant studying provided by the third years after their final exams really paid off, despite some of the crying sessions they had to endure...

The third years had also helped the first years to study too. They had all met up at Daichi's house one weekend and did summaries for all of their subjects, making sure they knew the correct definitions and formulas to answer the questions well. They even gave advice on the types of questions to expect due to them having many years' experience. It put them at ease, but Tsuki was already pretty confident he would do well- Yams too- they always did.

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