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(This is a continuation of 'Team Bonding')

Since that day, where the team had filled out those questionnaires, thus finding out about Kageyama's troubles, the setter in question had been distant from the team. He was still attending practises but wouldn't talk to anyone unless he had to. He was also distracted by his phone more often than not, and seemed to be anticipating something.

The team knew that the way Kageyama was almost forced to spill his troubles wasn't the best way to get things out in the open. But now they knew that Kageyama had been through difficult times, they wanted nothing more than to understand how he was feeling to figure out they could help him.

They knew he had been through a lot by himself, and from a young age had to deal with life hurdles thrown at him. They also knew that he didn't like being vulnerable in front of others, meaning he was avoiding them in fear of them bringing up a sensitive topic. The last thing he wanted was to have a full-on break down in front of his friends. Yes, he saw them as his friends.

But one week was considerably worse than the rest. It had been a fortnight since that day and Kageyama didn't show up to morning practise, nor lessons, nor afternoon practise. Neither did he show up the day after. Or the day after that. On the fourth day they were all worried- even Tsukishima- and despite sending the setter texts every hour that were left on read- they didn't hear anything from him.

Ukai had even asked Kageyama's homeroom tutor if they knew anything about his absence but even they were in the dark. He then asked Takeda to look into things but the teacher couldn't find any important records or dates in his student profile that would explain his absence. On the last day of the school week the team decided to skip afterschool practise and instead go and visit Kageyama. 

Hinata had tried to stop by once or twice for small things like homework help or practise, but he knew Kageyama preferred to go to his house instead. Hinata just assumed it was because he was a private person, yet he couldn't see why Kageyama wanted nobody at his house when it was absolutely huge. It was modern and looked very expensive, residing in one of the richer neighbourhoods. Even some of the team were surprised by how nice it was.

Daichi reached the front door and knocked on thrice before waiting. It was a tense few seconds before they saw a figure appear behind the glass door. When the door opened they were surprised to see not Kageyama standing there but a female who looked almost exactly like him. She had the same jet black hair, blue eyes and slightly tanned skin. She greeted them with a smile.

"Hey there, can I help you?" 

"Hi miss..." Daichi began before pausing, not knowing how to address the woman.

"Miss Kageyama Miwa. Are you Tobio's friends from school?"

"Yeah!" Hinata exclaimed. "We're on the volleyball team. Kageyama told me about you!"

"That's nice, he doesn't talk about personal things often. Did you stop by to see him?"

"If we could. Did you know that he hasn't been to school at all this week?" Suga asked with a worried expression.

"I do know. He's been at home with me. It's been... a rough week, to say the least."

"Oh, I'm sorry to hear. Could we see him?" asked Daichi.

"He's not here right now, sorry. You could wait inside until- but I don't know how long he'll be." Miwa trailed off with a sad gaze to the open gate behind them.

"It's fine, but do you know where he is?"

"I do. I'll only tell you if you promise not to pressure him into talking." Miwa offered looking serious. She knew how sensitive Tobio was right now, and the last thing her little brother needed was prying teenage boys.

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