Cute Close Contact

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"Wow, that serve was so amazing Kageyama!" Suga shouted before he jumped onto the first year, suffocating him in a hug.

Kageyama was a little taken aback by the sudden contact so ended up stammering out a thanks as he awkwardly hugged back with what little arm movement he had. The vice-captain pulled away and patted his head with a grin before telling him to do it again. Kageyama walked to the back line with confusion on his face but brushed it off when he prepared to serve. That hug wasn't so bad...


Hinata tackled the setter into a hug when he had pulled off a very unexpected setter dump, leading Karasuno to win their practise game against Date Tech. The two fell to the floor and Kageyama winced as his back hit the ground harshly. He tried to push the first year off but once again his arms were trapped at his sides.

"How am I supposed to hug back if I can't move?" he asked, not meaning his words but desiring freedom. 

But Hinata thought he genuinely wanted to hug back so sat up and lifted up Kageyama's arms before hugging him again and wrapping his arms around him.

"I didn't..." Kageyama stopped with a sigh, awkwardly patting Hinata's back who laughed with glee. "Please get off now."

Hinata did and Tanaka pulled him up before he and Noya crashed into him with another hug, just a little less violently than Hinata. With one either side of him, he sighed before resting his head on Tanaka's shoulder and complaining about this being abuse. The two second years laughed and Tanaka ruffled his hair before they let go.

Once everyone had finished celebrating and had said their thanks to Date Tech, they headed back out onto the bus to head home. Kageyama couldn't help but wonder why everyone liked hugs so much...

"You okay?" Daichi asked as he sat by the first year during their short break.

"... I'm fine." Kageyama replied before taking another drink of his water.

"Mhm. Are you sure?" the captain asked as he couldn't help but notice the melancholy aura about the setter today.

"Yeah, thanks."

"If you say so. You know you can talk to me about anything right, any of us?" 

Kageyama nodded his head so Daichi stood up, patting Kageyama's hair before heading back over to Suga and Asahi. It might have been a trick of the light but he swore the corners of Kageyama's lips turned up. Just a little.

So he put it to the test. Whenever he noticed Kageyama was a little out of it during that practise, he came up to him and said something encouraging whilst patting his head, and he definitely saw the smile on the first year's face, no matter how small. 

Practise ended and Kageyama surprisingly headed out first since he didn't have to clean up. He went up to the club room to get changed and just sighed when he was given a small moment of quiet. He really was okay, he just got down sometimes. Okay, a little more than most people but it was normal, nothing to worry about. He sat down on one of the benches with his head bowed and sighed, feeling nothing but numbness and fatigue. 

He looked up when he heard the door open and saw Yamaguchi head into the club room, saying everyone else was still cleaning up or on their way. Kageyama nodded and remained quiet, that was until Yamaguchi sat down next to him.

"Are you okay, Kageyama?" the freckled boy asked quietly.

"... Yeah."

Yamaguchi nodded and they both sat together in quiet, but it wasn't really awkward. But then Yamaguchi turned to him and lightly tapped his shoulder, making the younger look at him.

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