BokuKage - Under The Stars

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"I'm hungry. Imma get me some foooood." Bokuto sang to himself as he made his way down the corridor to the kitchen.

He enjoyed the night-time air with the cool breeze flowing through the window. He reached the kitchen and grabbed had a glass of juice before grabbing a few cereal bars and making his way back to his room. He hummed to himself as he walked with energy: that day had been a great day with lots of volleyball practise and he was excited as tomorrow would be just the same!

As he walked he looked out of the windows and saw that he was passing the school's garden. Beyond the trees and plants he could see the starry sky and the moon shining bright above him. He smiled and waved at the moon before heading towards the stairway. 

Yet, as he was going to turn the corner he paused as he saw- from the corner of his eye- a spot of black amongst the green, colourful bushes. Looking out of the window he saw that someone was sitting out in the garden, looking up at the night sky. It was Kageyama. Bokuto tapped his chin as he wondered why the first year setter was out so late at night, wasn't he cold? Tired? 

With determination, he nodded and made his way back to the kitchen and grabbed a drink before heading outside. He inhaled the cool air and felt a shiver run through his body at the sharp breeze. It wasn't exactly a warm night and, as he found out when walking over quietly, Kageyama was wearing nothing but a long sleeve t-shirt and shorts.

It seemed that the setter didn't notice he was walking over, and even when he gingerly sat down on the other end of the bench next to the boy he wasn't acknowledged. He only saw cerulean blue eyes looking closely at the glimmering stars above, his eyes like a sky of his own with the silver stars reflected in them. Bokuto caught himself staring for a while before he coughed to make his presence known.

Kageyama blinked as he was pulled out of his reverie by a cough. He glanced to his left and saw Bokuto sitting there and looking at him with a curious expression. He stayed quiet and returned to looking at the stars, his skin cool and head calm.

"Why are you still up?" Bokuto suddenly asked, making the first year turn his head and fully look at the grey-haired ace.

Kageyama was quiet as he thought about the question, then looked down to hide the upturn of his lips as he replied: "Why are you still up?"

To his surprise, Bokuto grins and laughs at the retort. Kageyama listened as the male said he was having late-night cravings and so got up to get a snack. He then saw the setter sitting outside and decided to join him.

"Why?" asked Kageyama, confused.

"To give you this. Here, I thought you would like it?"

Kageyama looked at Bokuto's outstretched hand and saw a carton of plain milk. Mimicking the third year's earlier look of curiosity, he slowly accepted the carton of milk with a quiet thankyou before returning to his position looking at the stars.

It was quiet and calm between them, both relaxing in the peaceful ambience of the garden as they appreciated the sight above them. But a voice suddenly speaking up interrupted this:

"I couldn't sleep. My mind won't let me. Too many thoughts."

Bokuto was surprised that the setter had spoke to him first, knowing he was rather quiet and reserved. He was also surprised at the answer but, knowing it had taken a lot to answer his question, Bokuto responded light-heartedly.

"Well at least you have thoughts. My team says my head is always empty."

This made Kageyama smile. Like a real, natural smile. Bokuto was still for a moment as he had never seen the first year truly smile, but he soon returned it with one of his own before quiet returned between them once more. Bokuto found he wasn't as tired as he had thought, and he also didn't want Kageyama sitting out her all night by himself. At one point the setter had told him that he should go to sleep or else he would be tired tomorrow; besides, their was no reason to wait for him because he most likely wouldn't sleep that night anyways.

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