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"Aren't you hot?!" Hinata asked with disbelief as he watched Kageyama practise his serves with a hoodie on.

Kageyama spiked and watched as the ball hit the back right corner of the court before rolling to the side. He then turned to Hinata with an annoyed expression.

"It's the middle of winter, aren't you cold?"

"Well, no! I'm hot from practise."

Kageyama just sighed and continued to practise his serves before they were all called over to do a practise match. It wasn't an uncommon sight for them to be wearing jackets and hoodies- especially at this time of the year where the limited heating in the gym made it really really cold- but Kageyama never really wore one before. 

They just assumed he was colder than usual and left it that. But how wrong they were...

A week later and Kageyama was still wearing his hoodie. But comparing to most of them who took theirs off when they got too hot, the setter still kept his on. On the outside he didn't seem hot and bothered- his cool expression made him seem perfectly fine and focused just like every other day of practise- but on the inside he was overheating.

With their intense practises the gym usually heated up quick enough, and sometimes they even opened the windows despite the bitter wind outside. And since afterschool practise lasted longer than in the morning, by the end of it the team were reluctant to put on so many layers to deal with the cold as they all went home.

But another weird thing everyone noticed was that Kageyama was starting to shout at Hinata less and less. Of course the ginger male continued to tease and argue with the setter, but the most he got now was a sigh or the quick middle finger. If he did talk he spoke quietly and he always seemed tired. Again it wasn't enough to make them concerned, in fact the reduced fighting was welcome amongst the team of highly-energetic drama queens. But to those looking a little closer they began questioning the sudden change in attitude...

Winter continued and it only grew colder and colder in the gym. Most of the players were now practising in hoodies and leggings or even joggers. Kageyama was now sporting a hoodie with knee-length shorts and leggings underneath. No-one was really sticking to the uniform regulations anymore, and since it was private practise Takeda and Ukai weren't bothered to say anything. 

But one day Kageyama was wearing a high-neck t-shirt underneath his hoodie, yet it was only visible if he tugged at his hood. He also seemed extremely tired when he walked through the doors, and several of the players looked concerned. Usually Kageyama would arrive early, especially in the colder weather, and would jog to school. So to see him arriving just in time was surprising.

"You good kid?" Ukai asked, and Kageyama nodded as he kicked his shoes against the steps to get rid of the light snow. He didn't say a word.

"Hey kid, you can talk right?" Now this questions wasn't from a place of malice, the coach was just genuinely concerned about how quiet the setter had been in the past few weeks; he had even exchanged his comments on the court for sighs and vaguely annoyed expressions. The change was kind of alarming.

When he heard the question Kageyama stepped into the gym and looked at the coach, the tired expression in his eyes and the smallest shake of his head making the coach frown. Kageyama was intending on dropping the subject then and there, but unfortunately for him fate wasn't so kind. He hadn't even taken five steps when he felt his right leg tense and knee buckle. 

Luckily Ukai saw this and managed to catch him, holding him up against his side.

"Kid? Hey Kageyama?! Are you okay?"

The boys had all noticed this and began to make their way over. And when Ukai asked him if he was alright, everyone expected him to nod and brush him off as he always did, so when he shut his eyes and frowned before shaking his head they were all worried.

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