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"I'll lock up!"

"Thanks Hinata, we'll be heading out then." Suga waved to the first year as he, Daichi and Asahi headed out the gym, everyone else following after changing.

Hinata decided that he would clean up since he hadn't for a while. He mopped the floor and made sure there were no knots in the net. He collected in the balls before locking up the storeroom cupboard and heading upstairs to get changed himself. As he locked the gym door he heard the sound of singing, yet there was nobody in sight. It was a male voice- that much he could figure out- and they were really really good. Like really good!

He made his way up to the clubroom as he listened to the song, trying to figure out what it was but to no success. He frowned when the singing stopped; when he opened the room all he saw was Kageyama putting on his jacket, earphones in and bag packed.

"Remember to lock up properly boke."

Kageyama slipped past and the ginger watched him head down the stairs, seeming to scroll through his phone to choose a song. Hinata watched his figure disappear before heading inside to change into warm clothes for the autumn evening...

It happened again! Hinata was getting changed as Kageyama was down in the gym after having volunteered to clean up, wanting to have some alone time to practise his serves. When he had gotten changed he headed down to the gym but the singing stopped again! Damn.

He peered in through the window and saw Kageyama starting to take down the net in the middle of the court, earphones in and seeming content to have some peace after a busy practise. He huffed before walking off, wanting to know what sort of ghost haunted Karasuno that could sing so well...

"That was an excellent day, don't you agree Daichi?" asked Kuroo as they gathered all the balls up in the gym.

"I agree. We all played very well."

"I hit so many tosses!" Bokuto cheered before he had a towel thrown in his face. "And everyone else was so cool too."

"Hey guys..." Suga began as he stood in the doorway to the gym, "I don't think we should head back to the b&b."

"Huh, what's wrong?" asked Daichi, joining his friend in the doorway. "Oh."

The sky was a dark blue almost grey and clouds were moving in fast. There was a strong wind that made the leaves shake violently on the looming trees and the temperature had dropped like crazy since that morning. Leaving now would mean risking getting caught up in the incoming storm.

"It says there is a storm that'll last a few hours." Akaashi informed as he looked at the weather app on his phone.

"It's best if we stay here." Daichi agreed.

"We can watch the storm!" Hinata exclaimed.

"The lightning will be all boom and pow!" Noya joined in.

In the few minutes they were discussing plans to stay in the gymnasium whilst the storm passed, a heavy rain began to lash onto the ground, the sound extra loud against the gym's roof. It was still warm thanks to the heaters so everyone shut the doors and windows to keep the heat in.

"Hey Kageyama, what do you- huh?"

Hinata looked around and found that Kageyama was nowhere in sight, not behind him like he was a moment before nor anywhere else in the gym. He looked around the room twice before asking if anyone had seen him.

"How can he just disappear like that?" Yamaguchi asked.

"Why is the better question."

"I'll go look for him." Suga offered, Daichi offering to go with him.

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