Kags Harem - Rock, Paper, Scissors

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They were having a break after the first set against Fukurodani and everyone was drinking from their water bottles and wiping their faces with towels. Kageyama was sitting crossed legged on the floor as he drank, thinking about what he could improve on from the first set. 

He looked across the court and found Bokuto was sitting opposite him on the other side of the gym; he seemed a little deflated. Maybe because he missed one of Akaashi's amazing sets. Kageyama was wondering if anyone on Fukurodani's team would come and cheer their captain and ace up. But they didn't.

Bokuto sensed someone was looking at him so scanned the gym, his eyes settling on the Karasuno first year opposite him. He smiled and waved but saw the thinking expression on the setter who waved back and shuffled around so he was directly facing the ace. He made the TT expression with his hands then pointed at Bokuto. The captain brushed him off gave a thumbs up, but a raised brow from the setter made him sigh and nod his head.

Kageyama then waved his hands for the ace to focus on before making the hand signals for rock, paper, scissors. Bokuto picked up what Kageyama was suggesting and nodded with a smile, shuffling so he was also cross-legged and facing the younger. He held up three fingers and the setter nodded.

They hit their fists against their palms three times before showing their hands. Kageyama played paper whilst Bokuto played rock. The ace sighed and pouted but they played again. One, two, three: Bokuto played scissors whilst Kageyama played paper again.

The ace's eyes widened and he punched the air from his victory. Kageyama let out a small smile- glad that the older was feeling better- and they played best of ten. Bokuto won 6-4; by the time they had played ten games he was feeling much better. Kageyama looked down to hide his smile but looked up at the ace through his bangs and saw him looking at him with a new expression.

From across the court, Bokuto watched as the setter looked down, hiding the smile on his face. When he looked up at the ace through his bangs, his piercing blue eyes shone through the black locks and the ace was momentarily stunned.

He pulled a funny, macho-looking expression that made Kageyama let out a laugh, one hand over his mouth to not draw attention. But some of the Karasuno team looked over then to where his gaze was focused. Eventually the funny faces made Kageyama laugh too much and he put his hands over his stomach whilst he leaned his head back against the wall. Karasuno looked over with smiles: after all, it was a rare sight to see the first year smiling and laughing.

Bokuto's eyes lit up when he saw the setter smile, and the members of Fukurodani saw the gleam in his eyes. His whole attention was on Kageyama. When the younger had cooled down he gestured the hand signals for the game so they played another round, this time gathering the attention of the other players. But neither Kageyama nor Bokuto noticed, too focused on the person on the other side of the court.

One, two, three: Kageyama played scissors and Bokuto played paper. Blue eyes gleamed at the ace, and a smirk was present on his face. He was getting his revenge this round. Bokuto grinned and they played again: Kageyama playing rock and Bokuto playing scissors. Another win for the younger.

Now the competition was on; some of the members even began making small bets on who would win each round. This was a great way to pass the time and now Fukurodani's ace wasn't down in the dumps. Three more hits of the palm then play. Kageyama won a third time with rock.

"Wah! Three in a row!" Bokuto exclaimed. "I'll stop you before five!"

He didn't manage that exactly but stopped him at 6 rounds. Oh well, Kageyama had won anyways.

"You stopped me!"

"But you won!"

"One more?"

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