OiKage - Jealousy

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The teams had all met up at a karaoke bar for a weekend get-together outside of volleyball. Some were a lot more excited than others but it was agreed that everyone had to sing at least one song. They had a large booth all to themselves and a whole rack of microphones to use to their hearts content.

They had ordered several snacks and drinks that arrived on an abundance of trays and plates; the workers were taken by surprise at just how much these boys could eat. They had fun singing a bunch of bubble-gum pop songs, hype anime songs and even dramatic ballads that caused waves of laughter and fake somber tears.

Kageyama had just come back from ordering them some more food when he was dragged up to the singing booth by Suga.

"It's your turn Kageyama!"

"Yamayama, sing something awesome!" Hinata screamed, on a sugar rush from all of the soda he had drank.

Kageyama shook his head as he sat down on the stool but picked up a microphone and put on the headphones. He scrolled through the list of songs searching for one he knew the words relatively well to and settles on Teeth by 5SOS.

"I love this song!" Kuroo shouted, standing up and punching a fist into the air, Bokuto joining in.

The setter pressed play and listened as the melody reached his ears through the headphones, knowing the others heard it due to the nodding of their heads and terrible dancing.

"Some days, you're the only thing I know.

Only thing that's burning when the nights grow cold.

Can't look away, can't look away.

Beg you to stay, beg you to stay, yeah."

Kageyama's singing caught everyone's attention, and they looked at the oblivious setter with dropped jaws. He could sing, like, really sing. They shared surprised looks before vibing to the song, getting up and dancing as the bass picked up.

"Call me in the morning to apologize.

Every little lie gives me butterflies.

Something in the way you're looking through my eyes.

Don't know if I'm gonna make it out alive."

At every high note the gang joined in, their out of tune voices cracking from inability to hit high notes. They cheered for Kageyama who looked over his shoulder as he sang, hearing everyone's terrible wailing through the headphones.

"Fight so dirty but you love so sweet.

Talk so pretty but your heart got teeth.

Late night devil put your hands on me.

And never never never ever let go!"

The beat of the drums slowly faded out and he took off the headphones, putting the mic down before pressing finish, seeing his score appear on the board.

"Whoa, number one!" 

Kageyama stood up and re-joined the group, brushing off cheers and grabbing a drink. He slumped down on a free seat and took a large gulp. 

"You can sing really well!" Suga shouted over Noya and Tanaka's shouting, their faces dramatic and singing over the top.

"Thanks!" the setter shouted back.

"Do you sing a lot?!"

"Around the house I guess! Doesn't everyone sing in the shower?!"

"Too true!" the silver-haired teen exclaimed before seeing who had yet to sing. Once Tanaka's and Noya's adaptation of Death Note OP1 finished he returned and grabbed the setter, dragging him back up and sitting him down, shoving a microphone into his hand.

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