UshiKage - Working Out

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Walking into the gym through the main double doors caught the attention of the players already present.

Kageyama was invited to a training camp that was much like the Japan National Youth camp but it was less formal. However, word had gone around that he was the only first year to have been invited so it was a big deal. And for Kageyama- who hated unwanted attention- he headed to the side of the gym and began stretching with his earphones in.

"Kageyama Tobio of Karasuno."

The loud and deep voice that went along with the figure looming over him reached through his music. The setter paused his music and took out an earphone; when he looked up it was to be greeted with the sight of Ushijima Wakatoshi standing in front of him.

"Hello Ushijima-san." he greeted with a nod of the head before he went to put his earphones back in.

Honestly, he didn't know how well he should speak to the ace. They were on rival teams after all. But when the older moved next to him and began to stretch to he felt a small sense of comfort along with his confusion, glad that he knew at least one person here.

"You are the only first year here." Ushijima stated, causing Kageyama to just turn off his music and put his earphones in his pocket.

"I guess so. Not a big deal." he tried to brush off.

"It is. You are very talented."

"Oh, um, thankyou."

The ace nodded and they stretched in quiet, ignoring the few glances sent their way. They were both from Miyagi, so it was odd that rival team members would stick together.

"Attention everyone, please gather around."

A middle-aged man entered through the doors and shouted to get the boys' attention. 

"I want you to know that this camp is rather informal. It is for you to get a taste of playing with the best of the best but to also make friends. Now, split yourselves up into teams and start some matches."

It was decided that the oldest would be team captains and split up the players. However, Atsumu was adamant to be a captain so it was him, Ushijima, and two other third years.

"I'll take the setter."

Both Atsumu and Ushijima said this and they looked at each other with cold expressions. Kageyama's eyes widened at the tension between them and said he could just switch between the teams. He was the youngest so he could just go between all of the teams. 

"Fine." they agreed.

That's how they spent the whole day. It was actually good for the first year, because he could talk and practise with more people, learn their skills and try them himself. At the end of the first day everyone was gathered in the dining room and talking and chatting as if they had known each other for years, which some of them did.

Surprisingly, Kageyama found himself sticking to Ushijima as he ate, still not the best in social situations. He noticed the ace was the same way, so they spent most of the evening talking between themselves and answering a few questions some of the others had.

"Ushijima-san, why did you want me on your team today?" Kageyama asked as he took a bite of the pork cutlet in his bowl.

"Because I needed a setter. And you are a good setter."

"Only good?" Kageyama questioned, although it was more to himself. "I should be better than that."

Ushijima saw the annoyed expression on Kageyama's face and felt bad. Wasn't being called good a compliment?

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