AkaaKage - Confessions

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Since the first training camp, matches between Karasuno and Fukurodani had become more frequent. At least once a month the two teams would meet up and play a few games together before hanging out. Most of the time- when they weren't playing games- the teams would all switch up and go off to do their own things. For example Bokuto, Hinata and Noya would cause havoc whilst Daichi, Suga, Sarukui and Konoha would escape and have some downtime, talking about their energetic teams and future plans. 

Akaashi however, despite being pestered by Bokuto at every waking moment, cast his attention on the blue-eyed setter from Karasuno. Despite being a year older he truly respected the younger setter and his incredible abilities, natural and honed. He was in awe of his precision and strength as well as the way he co-ordinated the team often without having to say a word. 

So when they had free time he would try and talk to the setter when he wasn't arguing with the small ginger or salty blond. At first Kageyama was very shy and awkward, since he also heavily respected and admired Akaashi, so he could only reply with short answers or nods of the head. He prayed that he didn't come off as rude or blunt. Luckily Akaashi found it rather endearing and after some hard work they had reached the stage of fluid conversations. 

When they had breaks between matches the pair would often be found sitting together, either talking about their plays in the game or about their teammates. Often Akaashi would say something about Bokuto whilst holding such a serious expression, that Kageyama had to look away and hide his laugh behind a cough. Other times Kageyama would mutter something about his annoying teammates under his breath that made Akaashi look at him with amusement.

To most they probably seemed quiet quite, seeing as neither spoke loud nor shouted, but once or twice there were commotions. 

For example, one time Akaashi was on the verge of crying from Bokuto refusing to leave his emo-mode, and he held his face in his hands and screamed at the back of his throat. Yet when he looked up he was calm and collected, yet the twitching of his eye made Kageyama laugh. He clamped a hand over his mouth but couldn't help the few chuckles that slipped, and soon Akaashi was laughing too.

Many of the players looked over with surprise at the volume of the two players, whose laughter increased every time they looked at each other, and shared surprised yet amused expressions. It was rare to see the two setters outwardly show much emotion so it was nice.

"I ship it." Suga whispered under his breath, Asahi nodding from next to him.

"What's a ship?" Hinata asked with a curious expression.

"Nothing nothing." Daichi interrupted. "Go and practise blocking with Bokuto."


Once the pair had calmed down they resumed their earlier topic of food. They were talking about cafes and restaurants near them, and Akaashi offered to take Kageyama to an onigiri place at the end of the day. Kageyama agreed and they both headed back onto the court to continue the match...

After an exciting, fast-paced match the two teams called it a day, and Akaashi immediately approached Kageyama to discuss their outing:

"Hey Kageyama, you played very well today."

"You too Akaashi-san. Would you mind helping me out some time?"

"Of course, if only you help me in return."


"Thanks. So, how about I meet you outside in twenty? The store shouldn't be too busy then."

"Okay, see you later."

Kageyama waved before heading out with his team to their room, all ready to relax and cool down after a great day of training. Kageyama got dressed into some jeans and an oversized hoodie, and slipped on his sneakers before heading out the door. Not forgetting to grab his wallet and phone, he brushed off the questions on where he was going.

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