Bad News Pt.2

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"I love you!"

"I lo-"

Kageyama shot up in his futon, eyes wide and body shaking. A thin layer of sweat covered him, making his pale skin shimmer in the rays of moonlight that peaked through the blinds. He took in shaky breaths as he calmed himself down, raising a hand and finding wet cheeks, rubbing at them furiously.


He stood up from his spot and walked over to the window, pushing open the latch and letting a cool breeze flow in from beyond the glass. The fresh air woke him up and he looked over at the clock.


The sun would be rising soon. No point in going back to sleep.

Right now he and the Karasuno volleyball team were at a weekend training camp with some of the nearby schools. Yesterday had been full of introductions and a BBQ, yet Kageyama kept to himself and stuck to the side of either Suga or (surprisingly) Noya, who spoke to him like a normal person, not feeling like he was stepping on boiled egg- eggshells? Whatever the saying was. They had normal conversations is what he meant.

Today would be the first full day of training including practice matches and lots of drills. It would be something to distract him for a while and nowadays all he ever seemed to do was to look for distractions.

He tried to clear his head from the vivid images replaying in his mind but they didn't go away; he sighed before shutting the window and quickly getting changed into shorts, leggings, trainers and a hoodie, swiftly slipping out of the room and heading outside, deciding to see the sunrise from the top of the green hills nearby. It was a cool morning so he jogged his way there, his arms moving faster and faster until he was full out sprinting. His heart thumped loudly in his ears and his feet thudded on the ground, all the way up to the summit...

"Where have you been?! I've been looking all over for you. I woke up first and saw you weren't in the room and I started panicking-"

"I went for a run, and stop panicking, you're not my mother." Kageyama snapped. "... Sorry."

"No, it's my fault." Suga said, giving him a hug, Kageyama resting his head on the vice captain's shoulder. "I know you can take care of yourself."

The pair separated and headed back inside, questioning eyes greeting them as they entered their room. Kageyama grabbed his volleyball uniform and left to have a shower, Suga explaining that he'd gone for a run and watched the sunrise.

"Why didn't he wake me up? I want to see the sunrise."

"I don't think he woke up voluntarily." Tsuki observed.

"What do you-"

"That's enough speculation. Everybody get ready and head to breakfast." instructed Daichi.

Kageyama really enjoyed the shower, letting the stress and sweat roll off of him and disappear down the drain. He enjoyed the humidity of the steamy room and just stood there for a while, trying to get into the right headspace for training today. The mild shampoo and conditioner helped ease his headache and the blueberry body wash made him smile a little, remembering how his mother used to call him her little blueberry due to his blue eyes. Yet the smile soon turned into a frown and warm tears mixed with the steaming water. He leaned against the wall and tried to calm down, practising his breathing like Ukai told him to. In. Out. In. Out...

"Where is he?" Hinata asked for the tenth time, his head spinning in all directions trying to find the setter.

"He probably got lost." Tanaka said with a grin.

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