SakuKage - 7th Heaven

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At long last, a sleek black car pulled into the driveway of Bokuto's house, windows tinted and logo gleaming. The passenger door swung open and out stepped Kageyama, still talking to someone in the car. He opened the second door and took out a bag, putting it over his shoulder before shutting both doors after a simple goodbye. The passenger door window rolled down and a female was shouting after him.

"Do sleep! Sleep drugs! Smoke alcohol! Wait no-"

'Bye Miwa!" Kageyama shouted behind him as he entered into the house, shutting the door behind him and slumping back against it.

"Who's that crazy lady?" the owl teased.

"That crazy lady," Kageyama replied pointedly, "is my sister."

"Aw, my bad."

"It's cool, she's mental!"

Bokuto grinned and ushered him into the house, telling him he was the last to arrive and some people had already started drinking.

"Let me guess, Kuroo and Tanaka?"

"Yep my dude! Wait, Agraaashji!"

"What?" Kageyama asked with confusion.

"What is it Bokuto?"

Akaashi appeared around the corner and Kageyama understood what the captain had said now.

"Can you show Kageyama where everything is 'cuz I'm gonna order pizza!"

"Sure, but please stop shouting."

Kageyama joined Akaashi in watching Bokuto run down the corridor talking to himself about what pizza to order.

"Is he like this all the time?"

"Yeah, and he's not even had a drink yet."


"Come on, everyone is in the living room."

The duo walked into the living room and found everyone standing, sitting, chatting and drinking. When the two entered everyone cheered saying now the party could get started.

"Kageyama!" Hinata screamed and tackled Kageyama.

"Oi, Hinata boke!" Kageyama shouted, hitting the ginger on the head as a sign to get off of him.

"Bakeya- wait, are you wearing make-up?"

"Yes. My sister came home for the weekend and unfortunately I was her only test subject slash victim for her project."

"Wah, you look so pretty!" the ginger said with a sigh as he looked at Kageyama's sparkling eyes.

Hinata's exclamations caught the attention of other males. When they took in the tinted red lips of Kageyama, alongside a reddish eyeshadow and faint blush, they couldn't help but blush themselves.

"Get off boke, I can't breathe."

Hinata got up and huffed before taking in Kageyama's outfit. Collared shirt under a black crewneck all tucked into black ripped jeans. Add black boots and several items of jewellery he looked very stylish and-

"You look hot my dude! No homo." Tanaka shouted as he too tackled Kageyama.

"What does your sister do?" Asahi asked as he freed Kageyama from the two chaotic boys.

"She's majoring in cosmetics. Hair, clothes, make-up, other stuff."


"Not for me." Kageyama replied grimly, causing Asahi to laugh.

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