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"Are you guys excited?" Suga asked as he walked with the first years to the testing rooms at their school...

"Let's place bets on what element everyone gets!" Tanaka suggested during one practise.

This caught the attention of every first year: Kageyama and Hinata stopped practising their quick, and Tsukishima and Yamaguchi looked up from their talking.

"Good idea!" Noya agreed and dragged each first year over to the circle.

"Oldest to youngest?" Suga offered.

"What if... what if we don't get one?" Yamaguchi asked, knowing that if you didn't possess an element then you risked becoming a social outcast. But nowadays, the younger generations didn't care if you had an element or not.

"I'm sure you all will, you know it's rare to not have an element."

"But not as rare as having a hidden element." Hinata interrupted.

Okay, I think it's time for some explaining.

So, over the past few decades, as humans and technology evolved, a rare few people began to be born with the ability to control one of the elements. They were: earth, fire, water, air, ice, and metal. At first, these people were tracked down and hidden away from the world, but human rights won out and intense research had gone into how these people came about.

As time went on, more people were born with the ability to control an element. It was found that humans had evolved to a newer and stronger state. It was now more likely than not for someone to be born with an element. It was completely dependent on the person so what family members wielded and didn't wield had no impact.

So now, every year at the start of high school, students had to take the test that would reveal their element.

However, a few years ago, a new selection of humans emerged that could wield what is known as a hidden element. These are: light, dark, and life. Hidden prophecies from centuries ago revealed that a time would come when a select human, one who could possess more than one element, would appear and over time could learn to wield them all.

Every year, test results were analysed and discussed to see if this mystery person would appear. Yet, every child only accessed one element that ran in their bloodstream. Now this is all clear, back to the story.

"Let's start!" Tanaka shouted. "Hinata, what element do you think you will get?"

"I think I'll get air because I can jump really high!"


"Earth. All of my family has that one."


"Um, I'm not sure... maybe water?"


"Oh... fire? I guess that fits."

"Time to wager!"

The third and second years all placed bets on what element each of the first years would get. They put the chart on a blackboard and left it in the gym. It was looked at and updated daily...

"I'm really nervous." Yamaguchi confessed.

"You'll be fine." Daichi assured, before reminiscing what his experience was like. "All three of us were so scared. Asahi almost fainted. But the test is fine: all it takes is an injection and a five minute wait."

"I hate needles!" Hinata shuddered.

"And then the colour the liquid turns is the colour of your element. Mine was clear for air." Suga explained.

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