Kags Harem - Milk

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The first years all- somehow- ended up walking together to the gym after school. They walked down the stairs then out the glass doors, deciding to stop by the vending machine along the way to get snacks. Of course, Kageyama got milk.

"Your addiction is unhealthy." Tsuki warned as the setter brought two cartons.

"Shut up your saltiness is contagious." the setter mumbled as he poked his straw into one carton and took a long sip, making eye-contact with the middle blocker until he sighed and looked away.

"I win." Kageyama mumbled as they were waiting on Hinata, who settled on an energy drink.

Big mistake.

Hinata by himself was hyped up enough- always jumping and shouting unnecessarily- but now his sugar levels were too high for his tiny body. Now he was running up and down energetically as he drank, growing more and more excited to do some awesome spiking that afternoon. Unfortunately, he wasn't looking where he was going, and one of his flinging hands knocked both cartons of milk out of Kageyama's hands.

Everyone's eyes widened at the catastrophe about to happen and Yamaguchi attempted to dive and save it, not wanting to know how their youngest would react. But he missed, and the cartons fell to the floor and split open.

"Oh no..." Hinata whispered, turning very slowly to see Kageyama's reaction as he had been awfully quiet these past few seconds- he was expecting shouting and punching.

Kageyama was just standing still and staring at the milk on the floor, motionless as the puddle of his now deceased milk grew in size. His face was empty of every emotion, but his eyes told the tale of his heart.

Complete devastation.

Kageyama remained like a statue for some minutes whilst the other first years held their breaths (heck, even Tsuki) preparing for the setter to freak out or have a breakdown. However, Kageyama only sighed and pouted at the sight of his now undrinkable milk staining the ground. He turned and began to walk away, still not speaking a word.

When they entered the gym he went over to the 'brooding corner' as it was now named- thanks to the amount of drama queens in the team- and slumped against the wall, sliding down it with complete depression on his face. The boys already in the gym looked at this sight with confused and worried eyes before turning to the first years for an explanation. Mostly Hinata who had guilt written all over his face.

"It was an accident!" Hinata shouted before blurting out how he was running around and knocked Kageyama's milk from his hands and how Kageyama didn't get mad but looked really really sad and now he couldn't play volleyball.

They all turned to where Kageyama was sitting and found him slumped to the ground, lying on his side as if he was wilting away, pure devastation in his eyes. Their hearts clenched at the sorrowful sight and wanted, no, needed to put a smile on his face.

"Now is my chance," Suga whispered, "I'm gonna get him some milk."

With vigour, Suga ran out of the gym and up to the club room to grab his wallet, wanting to get to the vending machine first and get their youngest all the milk he could ever want. The others thought that was a good idea, and soon it was a shove and tug war to get to the club room, everyone wanting to get Kageyama some milk before the others.

Kageyama was too busy moping on the floor to notice everyone had left the gym, competing for the honour of making Kageyama smile. Oh, upstairs was a complete warzone leaving the gym quiet except for the setter's pouty sniffles. However, another person remained in the gym and walked over to Kageyama with a plan in mind...

"I got you-! Wah? He's gone!" Noya shouted as he ran in the gym, skidding to a stop as his eyes widened at the empty brooding corner.

"What!" Tanaka shouted, he too out of breath from the running with milk cartons in his hands.

"Where did he go?! Was he kidnapped!" Suga screamed as he saw the empty gym; he decided to head to the clubroom with everyone following but that was empty too.

"He's not here?" Hinata questioned juggling four cartons in his hands. He had ran to the vendor at the school's entrance, hoping less people would be there but Suga and Yamaguchi had the same idea.

"Where's Daichi?" Asahi asked as he had two cartons, one in each hand. "He was here earlier, right?"

"Yes... he better not have..." Suga muttered to himself with a murderous expression.

Just then, a chorus of pings went off, notifying the group of a new message in the group chat. They all grabbed their phones and their eyes widened before settling into scowls.

Daichi: I'm the lucky one today. Add one point to the table pls. 😎

Daichi has sent an attachment:

"That sneaky git!" Suga shouted, heading over to the bench and opening one of the cartons of milk, slurping angrily

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"That sneaky git!" Suga shouted, heading over to the bench and opening one of the cartons of milk, slurping angrily.

"I need to ask him for some advice." Yamaguchi murmured as he joined the vice-captain.

Noya asked Asahi for assistance, and he sat on the older boy's shoulders as he reached atop one of the lockers pulling down a whiteboard and pen. On it was a table with everyone's names on, with tally marks next to it when they scored a point. The point system was basically doing something with Kageyama. For example: making him laugh, making him smile, being asked for advice or being given advice, helping him study, spending time with him outside school, getting him milk etc.

In the lead at the moment were Suga and Hinata, with Daichi and Tsuki close behind.

"I can't let him catch up." Hinata whispered as his knuckles turned white from clenching the milk carton tightly.

"I'm gonna surprise him with these tomorrow morning and then he'll be so happy I will definitely stand a chance!" Noya shouted.

"I'm going to go to his house." Yamaguchi stated before beginning to pack up his things so after practise he could leave quickly.

"No way, that was my plan!"

"Argh stupid Daichi!"

"Why is he so sneaky?!"

Everyone was sulking as they went back down the stairs to begin stretching for practise. They were all mad they didn't win today but when Daichi walked in with a much happier Kageyama, their anger melted away.

"Why are you all so sad?" Kageyama asked, sitting cross-legged with them as he drank from his third milk carton.

"We aren't sad." Suga assured. "We were just worried when you were gone."

"But Daichi told you we left, right?"

"Yeah, but we were still worried. Are you feeling better?"


"I am so sorry Yamayama, I will buy you milk forever! Please forgive me." Hinata begged as he slumped down into a bowing position, making Kageyama laugh.

"I'm not mad anymore. But you can buy me milk everyday, that will save me a lot of money and time." the setter said with a small nod before he went to put his carton in the bin.

"So," began Hinata when Kageyama stepped out of the gym, "is that another point for me?" he asked with a grin.

"No way!" denied Tsuki. "That was making up for what you did earlier, you didn't get anything."

"Damn it!"

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