KageHina - Height

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Hinata sighed for what felt like the 100th time today. He was looking down as they walked to practise, arms swinging dejectedly by his side. Kageyama knew something was bothering him, he wasn't that dense, he was just unsure of what to do. He thought about it for a while before he came to a conclusion. After all, they were dating now so it wouldn't be out of the blue, right?

"Hey, Hinata." Kageyama said as he stopped walking and looked at the ginger.

Hinata stopped too and looked at him with curious eyes, wondering why the setter had stopped heading to practise.

"What... what's the matter? Is something wrong? You keep sighing and look sad."

Kageyama seemed unsure if he was asking the right question, but Hinata's eyes lit up when he did.

"You noticed?" the decoy asked softly.


"Well, people just keep talking about my height, saying I can't be a good player because of it. Like, do they not know who the Tiny Giant is?!"

Kageyama could see Hinata was feeling a little distressed so he pulled him into a hug; Hinata was a little surprised but grinned and hugged back. Kageyama saw Hinata was looking a little better so he put his head atop of the ginger's and said:

"If you were another height I couldn't do this." Then he placed a soft kiss on Hinata's forehead. "If you were another height your jumps wouldn't be amazing and you wouldn't be so fast."

Hinata blushed bright red from the compliment so he smashed his face into the setter's chest and said to warn him before saying such nice things. Kageyama let out a small smile at Hinata's blushing and pulled back to see his face.

"You're so red." he teased.

"Bakayama." the decoy huffed but the happy smile on his face gave it away.

"Are you feeling better now?"

"Yes! Let's go practise!"

"Not so loud Boke."

Hinata only laughed at Kageyama's fake annoyance before standing on his tiptoes and softly kissing the setter's lips. Kageyama was a little taken aback but recovered in time to lean in for another kiss when Hinata pulled away, hands gently resting on the ginger's hips. It was short and sweet, just enough for now.

"I love you." Hinata said in a teasing tone, grinning when Kageyama blushed.

"Yeah yeah, love you too Boke."

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